Chapter 78

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"Come out, let me see," Vinny said while standing outside the bathroom door. He had given Oliver some clothes to wear for the party. Vinny was already dressed to his mother's standards. He stood up straight when the door opened.

Oliver walked out in a white shirt, grey waistcoat, and smart black jeans. "Do I look alright?" he asked, straightening his collar.

Vinny allowed a small smile to curl his lips. "You look very handsome," he said and subconsciously bit his bottom lip.

Oliver glanced him up and down with a shine in his eyes. "Thank you," he said before running a hand down Vinny's velvet patterned waistcoat. "So do you."

Their happiness seeped into every fibre. "I think you should wear something else too," Vinny said before turning and disappearing into the walk-in wardrobe.

Oliver watched with wonder as he heard Vinny rummaging through drawers. The vampire emerged with a red bow-tie in his hands. Oliver grinned as Vinny stood in front of him and lifted his collar. They were close, and Oliver concentrated on the gentle touch of his fingers brushing against his neck.

Vinny straightened Oliver's bow-tie and stood back to gaze at how good his soulmate looked. "Very cute," he marvelled, making Oliver blush.

A knock at the door interrupted their stare. The boys turned to see Duke walking in.

"Was that up to your standards?" Duke asked with a grin. Vinny sighed, but he was happy that his dad finally did what he asked, even if he didn't wait for confirmation to enter. "Wow Oliver, look at you!"

Oliver tried to straighten out his waistcoat again. He wasn't used to wearing such fitting and formal clothes.

"So," Duke then said as Vinny flashed a look that said 'why are you bothering us?'. "The first guests have arrived, and they're eager to see you both."

Oliver's heart performed somersaults. He was nervous.

"Are you ready?" Vinny asked, resting his hands on Oliver's shoulders.

"Yes, I am," he said before his dad appeared by the door. John looked just as smart.

"Oliver, you look great," John beamed.

"Right, let's get going." Duke rubbed his hands together and guided the boys out of the bedroom.

* * * * *

Madison was talking to the first few guests in the hall as the staff waited in the kitchen for more people to arrive. Almost twenty people were at the Vanderwood mansion already.

Oliver grabbed his soulmate's hand as they glided through the kitchen. Vinny squeezed his fingers for reassurance as John and Duke entered first. The lights in the hall were already dimmed, and the music was up. Oliver looked around to see smartly dressed people with drinks in their hand. They all talked happily together. Oliver suddenly felt like an intruder. Only weeks ago, he was a waiter for the Vanderwood's events. Now he was the main attraction.

"Duke!" a guy yelled over the music, bouncing cheerfully up to Vinny's dad. It was Vinny's uncle, the guy who got overly drunk at their last party when Vinny was waiting for his soulmate.

"Justin, hey," Duke said, giving his brother a quick hug.

"So," Justin laid eyes on Oliver. Vinny observed him, knowing how forceful Justin could be. "This is the latecomer?"

"Hi, I'm Oliver," the human said before holding his hand out. Justin shook it rather enthusiastically.

"It's nice to meet you, Oliver. I'm Justin. Duke's brother." Justin didn't care that he was a guy; he just wanted to introduce Oliver to everyone and have someone who would listen to his blabbering conversations. "Can I introduce you to my wife?" he asked before looking to Vinny for his approval. "She's just over there. I'll bring him right back."

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