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Chapter 5


               I WOKE UP THE NEXT morning feeling my body tense and tired due to the lack of sleep last night. My first encounter with Leo had been haunting my mind ever since. Coffee was the first important thing in my mind, right after brushing my teeth.

Looking like the walking dead, I pushed my legs to the kitchen. Already in there is Liz. I am thankful that he is not here because I know that I have to face him some time but hopefully not now. Not before my precious coffee.

"You look horrible." That's the first thing Liz says to me.

I roll my heavy eyes and plant my butt on one of the stools. "Good morning to you too Liz."

I lean my head on the cold island table and close my eyes for a little while. Liz chuckles at the sight. "I'm guessing you want a strong cup of freshly brewed coffee, huh?"

My response to her was just a groan. Within minutes, I hear her telling me to lift my head so that I can drink up. The sweet familiar aroma of coffee hits me hard, and I don't even care that it's still hot, so I drank it ignoring the burning sensation of it.

"Any plans for today?" She asks.

I set the cup down but still hold it between my hands, and look at Liz who's busy wiping the dishes. "Well, it's my official first day here in New York. I know no one except for you, the driver and Leo's P.A." I state.

Liz looks at me with a smug look. "You forgot that you also know the hot billionaire, Leo."

If I had coffee in my mouth I would have definitely spit it out, but I don't so I just look at her with a look of disbelief.

"No offence, but I don't think Leo is hot at all." Lies. "But I'm sure he's busy right now." I change the subject.

Liz places the last dish where it's supposed to he and walks over to me. "I don't know if you do know but Leo's P.A is actually my niece." She states.

My ears shot up at that little piece of information. At least now I'll have Blaire's numbers since I believe I didn't get them last time.

"I've actually met her, can you please tell her to come see me some time when she's free?" I ask her earning a nod.

Lord knows I don't want to be stuck in here forever. I'll end up either killing someone or being sent to a mental hospital. And neither of those sound appealing to me.


After breakfast, I found out that Leonardo leaves early for work and comes back late. He usually doesn't stay home the whole day unless if he has relatives visiting him.

After bathing and dressing up into my sweatpants and baggy white shirt, I went downstairs to the living room to binge watch. Of course I can't do that without my trusted junk food, which brings us to why I am now surrounded by food and why there's a pepperoni on my chest.

Right when the best part of Mean Girls comes to point, the doorbell rings.

I roll my eyes and groan before pausing it. Whoever it is better have something important to say or is hear to deliver food.

I stroll to the door and open it with an annoyed face. "What?" Is the first word that comes out of my mouth.

"I feel so special." A familiar voice says. I stand up straight and stare at Blaire who's looking at me with a smirk. Beside her is an unknown blonde man. They are both in work suits so I'm guessing that they are from work.

My eyes settle back at Blaire. "What are you doing here?"

She shrugs. "I thought you'll be bored here so I decided to bless you with my presence."

I mock a happy facade. "I feel so honoured. Come on in." I step aside and let them in. My eyes trail at the blonde man.

"No offence, but who are you?" I ask.

The blonde turns and looks at me with his green eyes. His lips turn into a smirk. What is it with people smirking this days. "My name is Alexander Manel, Leonardo's best friend."

I nod. Leaving them standing there, I walk back into the living room since no one was talking. Seconds later, they both follow me.

"That explains the pepperoni on your shirt." Blaire says gesturing at the junk on the couch and table.

I shrug and sit down. From the corner of my eye, I see Alexander reaching in for a snack causing my quick reflexes to work. Which means I smacked his hand, hard.

"Ouch." He yelps.

I arch a brow at him. "If you and I are going to be friends, you are to never touch my food. At all means!" I state causing him to raise his hands in a surrender form, eyes twitching in amusement.

Blaire decided to speak again. "Come on losers, we are going shopping." She says.

I chuckle at the statement, something from the movie I'm watching.

Alex groans and falls on the couch dramatically. "Do we have to?"

Blaire shrugs and nods. "Yep, look at how she is dressed."

I look down at my outfit and pout. "But this is comfy."

Alex soon nods as well. "I see it now, we have to go."

They both walk to me and pull me up. "But first we have to get you out of this outfit." Blaire says.

I groan. This is not how I imagined my Saturday. Not at all.


After painful, torturing hours of shopping from shop to shop, mall to mall, my feet are aching and my mind is ready to shut down.

I thought that going shopping with Alex would only mean a minimum time shopping since he's a guy but turns out I must never stereotype because the guy sure can shop.

It's now night time and they both left me with tons of bags to carry by myself.

I bring the last bag inside and sigh as I close the door. I hope Liz cooked something because I'm hungry. Yes, you read that right, they didn't even let me eat. Those bastards.

I walk into the kitchen and as soon as I switch on the lights, I yelp in surprise. There, leaning on the big fridge with his white dress shirt sleeves rolled showing his bulging biceps, is Leo. And the fact that he is crossing his arms across his chest doesn't help.

I swallow the lump in my throat. "Hmm..." That's all I'm able to say. Combine hours of shopping and a sizzling hot man in the kitchen is equal to a complete mind shut.

He arches his perfect brow. "Do you know what time it is?" He asks.

I gulp before shaking my head. What's wrong with me? Why can't I comprehend a full normal sentence?

He pushes himself off the fridge and slowly walks towards me. "You know when I signed the contract, I didn't know that it comes with babysitting you?"

I frown. "Wha-" he cuts me off.

"Is that what you want Sunshine?" Leo asks dangerously low.

I shake my head. "No."

He stops in front of me, leaving only a small space between us. I swear if he takes one more step closer, he'll be bursting my personal space.

"No what Sunshine?"

"No, I don't need a babysitter." I whisper.

Leo nods. "I'm glad we came into an agreement." With that, he walks away.

I am finally able to breathe properly. If this is how I am going to react whenever he gets closer to me, then I'm doomed.

I look up at the ceiling and bring my hands together. "Father help me get through this."


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