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Chapter 21

       "Hey, wake up. Psst, wake up." An annoying voices whispers in my ear while poking me also.

I groan and pull the covers over my head. "Leave me!"

The person pulls the covers until there's nothing on top of me, allowing me to feelin' the cold breeze. "No can do honey, we have to get you ready for the morning interview."

I open my eyes and and frown at Blaire who is smiling at me. I roll my eyes and sit up straight, "What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"I told you, I'm here to get you ready for the morning interview. I first went to your room but noticed that you weren't there. That's when a little birdie told me where to find you and let me tell you, it sure was a sight to see when I saw you and Leo sleeping peacefully together." She smirks at me.

My cheeks redden as she says that.

Yesterday, after the picnic and the kiss, Leo and I went back home and watched a movie until we fell asleep on the couch. Leo must have took me to his room. That explains how peaceful I slept.

If only I slept like that everyday.

"Whatever," I stand up from the bed and walk to the door. "I guess we should go back to my room then to get dressed." I walk out of Leo's room and into my own room.

When I enter, with Blaire behind me, I sit on the edge of my bed and look at her as she wonders to my closet.

"So what is this show called?" I ask her.

"Oh, it's Good Morning World hosted by Angel Raymond, a darling if you ask me." I hear her respond from the closet.

"What am I expected to say or answer? And what should I leave out?"

"Hmm, I actually don't know. I mean, you've spent enough days with Leonardo to know basic things about him, so I guess you can answer them anyway possible. As long as you portray an image of a happy couple then I'm good."

Shortly after that, she comes with a set of clothes. "So what do you feel like wearing today?"

I raise a brow at that. Blaire asking me what I want to wear? Praise the Lord. "Sweatpants." I look at her with pleading eyes.

"No!" Well, there goes my day. "But you can wear these pants," She shows me black pencil pants that look comfortable, "and pear them with this." She lifts a black lace bodysuit that also looks comfortable and sexy.

I nod agreeing with her choice. "Nice." With that, I stand up.

"Hey, where are you going?"

I throw her a bewildered look, "Well you don't expect me to go on national tv smelling like shit now do you?" She shuts up at that and let's me take a bath.

    A few minutes later, I walk back to the room only to see my room filled with strangers holding bags. What the hell?

"Oh hey, you're done." Blaire says as she walks up to me and smile. "This is your glam squad." She gestures at the two people standing in my room. "Dimitri is here for your hair," she points at the blonde skinny man, "and Zoe is here for your make-up." She points at the purple haired girl.

They both smile at me and wave, to which I respond to it with a tight nod. I grab Blaire's arm and drag her to the corner, away from them.

"What the hell Blaire? Don't you think I warning would have been great before letting me walk practically naked in front of strangers?"

She sends me a sheepish smile. "Well I'm sorry. I didn't think they'll arrive so soon. But they're here now so take your underwear, dress and and wear your gown on top." She instructs.

I sigh but does as she says regardless.


I must say, although I was hesitant on the glam squad, they really did a great job.

Dimitri curled my hair beautifully and made it waves. Zoe did a light make-up on me because I don't really like make-up. But they both did a great job. After they were done with their work, Blaire showed them out while I dressed up.

I still don't feel fully comfortable in heels but I guess I don't have a choice. Afterall, I'll be sitted most of the time so I have nothing to complain about.

   Taking a deep breath, I make a move to descend down the stairs but stop when I hear a voice I've, surprisingly, been longing to hear since I woke up. Leonardo O'Neil.

"You never cease to amaze me you know." I hear him say.

I fight back a grin and turn to look at him. As usual, he is dressed lovely in his black suit and nicely combed hair. The way the suit hugs his muscles instantly made me clutch the bag tightly.


"Why thank you, you don't look bad yourself." Lies. You look very handsome.

He smiles and steps closer to me until we are an inch away. "And you look very beautiful yourself too." Shit, did I say that out loud?

A blush makes its way on my face but it is quickly washed away when Leo suggests that we go eat before heading out. As we descend the stairs, we are holding each other's hands, again!

Gosh, I hope whatever feeling I'm feeling does not end.

When we enter the kitchen, we find Liz placing two plates filled with food on the island.

"Morning you two, hope you enjoyed your sleep." Liz greets when she notices us.

Leo looks my way and smirks, "Of course Liz, I don't know about her but I definitely enjoyed my sleep."

Que blush again. This time I hide it with my hair and simple hum to her question.

Breakfast passes quickly as neither of us says anything. As soon as we are done, Liz takes our plates and Leo leads me outside where a car is waiting for us.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, this is live television and it isn't going to be watched by the national, it will be watched Worldwide." He announces when we get into the car.

I am left with wide eyes and mouth, and a clearly shocked expression.

Say what now?

Image of Alison's outfit at the top!

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