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Chapter 09

                   SOON ENOUGH the day of the interview came. Okay, it came pretty soon since I was only told yesterday.

To say that my nerves are up the roof will be an understatement, and to calm my nerves I decided to sit in the living room with my packet of oreos.

Don't judge.

Unfortunately, the house is extremely quiet because Liz has to take care of her child and Leo is finishing a few things at work before heading over to prepare for the interview.

It's now 10:15am and Blaire is said to arrive in a few minutes from now. She won't be going with us to the interview so it's just Mr Asswip and I.



Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

    I stand up from the couch and walk, or more like drag my feet, to the main door. Opening the door, I unexpectedly yawn with my mouth wide open and closed eyes.

"Jesus!" I hear Blaire exclaim. I open my eyes and find her looking at me with wide eyes. Today she's wearing a cute white sundress with her brown sandals. Her hair is tight in a messy bun. She looks beautiful as always.

I shrug. "What?" I ask.

She shakes her head and puts her hand on her hip. "Tell me why you're dressed like a hobo?"

My eyes widen. Sure I was wearing baggy pants and shirt which had Oreo and pizza stains on them. And my hair might be tangled to the point that I resemble a bird nest but that doesn't mean I look like a hobo.

Blaire pushes her way inside and walks to the direction of the living room area. I close the door with a sigh and follow her.

"Why are you here Blaire?" I ask her as I sit back down where I was sitting before she came.

She smiles and takes one biscuit. "You have an interview to prepare for remember?"

I groan. Of course I remember, how can I forget something that has been roaming in my head for the past hours? Literally impossible.

"Yeah, I remember." I mumble.

She claps her hands and lifts me up from the coach. "What now?" I whine like the immature person I am.

Instead of answering me, she drags me upstairs to my room and sets me on the bed before walking to the closet. I watch as she takes out item by item out of the closet and letting them fall down. I'm okay with it as long as she cleans it because if she doesn't, her and I will have a big problem.

After a few minutes of rampaging through my closet, she takes out a red long dress. A beautiful one might I add. Blaire sets the it on the bed beside me and leaves it there for me to admire it. The fabric looks like something only a goddess should wear, expensive even.

But, as you know good things come to an end as Blaire sets a pair of black high heels next to the dress, snapping me out of my gaze and widening my eyes.

"What the hell are those?" The question comes out with a high note. I think I might have even shifted away from the dress and shoes a little.

Blaire stares at me in confusion. "You mean these?" She lifts the devil's shoes.

I nod. "Yeah, those." My face still holds a disgusted emotion just by looking at them. It's hard enough that I'll have to wear a dress to the interview but heels? No way.

She rolls her eyes at me and sets them back down. "Stop being dramatic. You'll be wearing them for tonight. "

I shake my head viciously. "Hell no. I'll only be making a fool out of myself."

Blaire turns to me with a murderous look. "Listen, it's either you wear these for tonight or I'll make sure Liz only serves you with healthy food, including vegetables, for the whole month."

I snot and cross my arms across my chest. "I can cook for myself."

She raises a brow. "How will you cook if the only things available is healthy food? Plus you know very well that Leo will never allow you to leave the house."

I sigh and fall backwards on the bed. Looks like I have a big problem.


After what seemed to be hours but was actually mere... wait it was hours. Blaire took exactly 4 hours and 25 minutes to prep ne up for the interview.

In case you're asking, yes I'm wearing the damn shoes and I keep stumbling but after a few minutes of practicing, I was good. But that doesn't mean that they hurt any less.

Blaire sprays my hair, which is in waves, for one last time and turns me around so I can look at myself.

I, myself, am awestruck by what I'm seeing. She transformed me into a beauty. Of course my make up is a little light. I'm wearing Matt red lipstick to match my dress. As I've mentioned, my hair is in waves and a few strands in front are pinned so that they don't get in the way. The heels gives me a little height which I'm grateful for.

All in all, I look amazing.

Suddenly I hear sniffs behind me causing me to turn, only to see Blaire with a tissue in her hand.

I frown. What's up with her?

But it only takes her to open her mouth for me to drop that expression. "To think that only a few hours ago you looked like a hobo, a street kid. Now you're beautiful and I did this. Might as well call me Fairy Godmother."

I roll my eyes but with a smile regardless.

"Okay, go downstairs and I'll come in a minute." She instructs and doesn't wait for reply as she pushes me out of the door.

I smooth my dress before starting to walk down the stairs. My movement is slow and steedy, as though fearing that I might trip and fall. My heartbeat races for some reason.

A voice is heard downstairs. An angry one but I don't take heed to it. Before I reach the ground, the voice stops and that causes me to look up and now I wish I didn't.

There, standing looking oh so handsome in his black suit and red tie, is Leonardo and a clenched fist as the other holds a phone. His blue eyes scan my whole body making me feel self-conscious.

Do I look good? What does he think? Should I change?

When I reach the floor, he steps forward and holds out a hand for me to hold. His eyes look into mine with an emotion I can't pinpoint. He bites his lip seductively and lowers his eyes to my own lips.

"We should get going." Just like that, the moment ends and he let's go of my hand. But what do you call the moment we just had?


Oh my goodness!! This chapter literally took me about two to three weeks to complete. Writers block hit me hard bit it's cool.

The picture of the dress is on top.

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My holy matrimony (Complete) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon