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Winter-Rose POV

I was going to decline their invitation but during that night one of our territories got attacked. Many good people got hurt for no reason and that doesn't sit well with me. I'm one for people getting punished if they deserve it but to do it for no reason. 

If they wanted my attention so much they could've gotten a radio, while it's raining play that Brittany Spears' song with G-Eazy right out my window. I would've come out to see who was playing the music. I'm a girl that loved her music and I can't lie about that. 

But no they had to do what the boring bad guys always do and hurt innocent people. Like honestly when I do something to the bad guys they want to do like I have no reason to. Sometimes my imagination does get the better of me what can I say I like to do like Stone Cold Steve Austin and stun the world. 

Now here I am standing by the border with Bean, my Betas, my mother, and five of my warriors. I don't need a lot to come with me. If needed I have 100 waiting for my word if something goes wrong. Most of them were hoping something was so they could release some angry they feel due to those donkeys hurting our people. 

A feel his wolf before I saw him, he ran up to the end of his territory and gives a small nod and I see their shield go down, and the river's rocks make a bridge that allows us to walk over to there land. Two guards take in from of us and three to the back. We walk in the middle once on there side the rocks fall back in the water and the shield comes back up as soon as the last guard's foot is over the line. 

"It's ten miles until the base, so please shift and follow us, " August said from a tree to the back. We couldn't see him from before, I wasn't paying attention to be able to see him 

"We can keep up in human form you don't have to worry about us," Bean said knowing that we could with no problem. 

"Then I'll stay in human form to make sure that no one trails behind, while the king goes ahead." 

I don't answer back knowing he wanted me to. 

After half an hour of running, we reach their base, as soon as we stepped foot on the land all heads turn to us, they show their necks to their king in submission. As soon as they see us they go to straighten up but one low growl from Wayland causes them to keep their head down. 

He knows that even though my mother and I may be the enemy but we were invited and we were also royals. Not submitting could end in me feeling disrespected and killing his people for the lack of respect. 

Honestly, I could care less about what these asses do. 

We walk towards a big building, outside had guards as soon as they say their king who still was in wolf form get close they opened the doors so that we can go inside. One looked at me longer than I liked. I just blinked at him, hoping that he gets over himself. 

Once inside we go up in an elevator while Wayland took the stairs. When we reach the fifth floor which was the top floor Wayland was waiting for us in human form. To the back of him are his parents and some other people as well as Taylor.

As soon as I looked at them they looked away from me. I had my mask on so I know they knew who I was. It was known for me to wear it during battles.

"Welcome," Wayland said, "Please have a seat everyone," He took one head of the table while my mother took the other head. On one side I sat and Bean next to me. My betas on the other side of her while the warriors stayed standing. 

On the other end, on one side of Wayland sat August and his father other the other side. His mom sat next to her husband. Taylor sat next to August and two other men next to her. Not a pin drop could be heard. I noticed that he also had five warriors to the back of him. 

"Thank you." my mother said. 

After a quick round of introductions, everyone knew who was who. I learned that the two men were generals. Everyone on their side was tense waiting to see how things played out.

"I called this meeting here because we have a common enemy that had been doing damage to both our kingdoms. Mines more than yours. I want to get to the bottom of this and I cant when I so far only have, maybe a quart of the puzzle while you have a quart if not more." Wayland said

"For the last six months, they have been attacking some communities which weren't as guarded as the others. They have hurt innocent people that didn't deserve it. They take food, some of the people as well as burn the land. We want to get to the bottom of it as quickly as possible, if not quicker. They broke into one of our labs and stole fifteen tanks of Aconitum we are working on turning the mixture into a gas, and they have succeeded in getting their hands on it." The general furthest from Wayland said

"I also know that they tried to get their hands on Yellow Aconitum we are unsure if they succeeded." the other general said.

"We would like to know what they took from you. We aren't going to play like your kingdom doesn't have some very dangerous things they are working on. Both of our Kingdoms are powerful and we didn't get here from not going building our own little toys." 

"True, they got a hold of a robot that we were working on. It wasn't done, its job was to sneak into firewalls and plant an invisible bug there that would start to slowly eat away at the motherboard, " Drake said.

"But unlike you, before they had the chance to leave with it we destroyed it and now all it does is make coffee."

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