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Winter's POV

I plan to find out what happened to me. After thinking about it for I can up with the idea of going to the goddess pool.

Tonight there will be a full moon, the moon will be high in the sky for three hours. It will take me more then three hours to get there but those three will make sure that I get there faster.

I messaged Kennedy and told her to hide a bag for me in the forest close to where she lives. During my run I'll pass and get it.

It will have all I need for my journey. Me going to the pool means that I'll wash away all impurities from my body and soul.

I called Quentin a friend of mine to tell him I would need him to meet me there. Once I'm clear headed I'll need to stay off the grid and make see what my next plans will be.

Whatever there hidding I know it has to do with me. A while ago I planted a bug into Wayland system I used it to try and find information the thing is all filled on me were erased.

Whatever happens, happens because I'm tired of this. I dreamed of pool today I knows it's not a coincidence, whatever happens happens.

I'm tired of being in the dark whatever the hell was taken from me will be returned weather it be by force of not. I know I'm missing something I can feel it in my soul.

Wayland, August and his guards plan and training tonight's that's the only down fall of my plan. They will know when I leave the grounds, they plan on putting the shields down which will make everything easier.

Now I was sitting in my room, when we got back from the garden I came up with this plan. I didn't te anyone else what I'm planning to do. I can never be too sure who is with me or against me.

I pick up my boots and put them on the bed, I put my knives in the hustlers. I don't take any guns or anything else. I take out my boats, sweater, leather jacket and gloves.

Everyone was getting ready to eat dinner and then train. I told them that I had to finish something and they could eat without me.

I get in bed to sleep, I'll need as much strength as possible to do this. I wake up when my alarm clock rings. I get up and take a quick shower, then put my hair into two cornrows then put a beanie on my head.

I put on my clothes and look myself in the mirror. I quickly look for my mask then put it in boot. Whenever I fight or go on a mission I wear it, I don't even remember why anymore.

I put my phone, compute and other electronic devices on my bed, with a note.

"Ready Thorne?" I feel my eyes turn grey meaning shes as ready as I am.

Opening the door I start making my way to the front door. Whoever passes me gives me a slight nod, smile or ignore my existence.

I male my way to the front door and quickly shift. It's now probably around midnight because the moon shinning down, me giving me strength and light for what am about to do.

We howl up to the sky making our presence known. Tonight I don't plan on hidding anything, our howl deadly everyone stops and turn to me.

"What are you doing Winter?"

"What ever do you mean?" I inquiredy dear husband.

"You just fucking howled like a damn warning. Your in wolf form what the hell do you think your doing?"

"Well I know you guys are hidding something and I'm going to find out. I plan to start doing it tonight,"

Winter-RoseWhere stories live. Discover now