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"Kookie, I think my contractions are frequent now. I think I need to see my doctor today." Jin's words made me nervous. He keeps on arching his back and rubbing his tummy. Is he going to give birth now? It's his 40th week and I know he will give birth anytime.

"Wait for me baby, I will get the car key." I rushed inside the house to our bedroom and grabbed the car key. I dialed the doctor's number and informed her of Jin's contractions. She advised that we go the hospital soon.

With his eomma in tow, we rushed to the hospital. As expected, they admitted Jin immediately. A nurse came out and asked me if I want to come inside as Jin will be under the knife pretty soon.

I can't believe this, Jin is giving birth today. I'm going to meet my daughter anytime now. I'm scared but excited at the same time.

I saw Jin already lying in the operating table as I entered the delivery room. A curtain blocking his chest up from his stomach down. His arms strained on the table. I stand just above his head. He looked at me and smiled. I kissed his forehead.

"Just relax babe. Our baby Seoyeon is coming to meet us today." I whispered as I kiss him on his lips.

He just nods.

I dont know why but I think this is the longest 20 minutes of my life. My heart thumps as soon as I heard a baby cry. It's our Seoyeon.

I saw them wash her clean before placing her on Jin's chest. I saw Jin's tears run down to his temple. I am amazed on how a tiny human being fits inside Jin's body. It made me love my husband more.

I cried as soon as they place my daughter in my arms. That feeling when Yoonjoon was placed in my arms came flashing back. It feels surreal and it feels like this is the first time again. My tiny baby. Daddy's little girl.

A nurse get her from me as she needs to be placed in NICU for check up and vaccines. While the doctor doing some stitches on Seokjin.

I cannot complain. I think I am finally complete. Two things left for me to wait. Jin's graduation and our wedding.

After a week, we finally bring our baby home. My mom is so fond of Seoyeon. She insists that my daughter got the looks from her when in fact, I can see Jin in our daughter.

"Papa Jin, when is she going to wake up?" Yoonjoon asked while he settle himself on Jin's lap. Jin's little sister also staring at her niece.

"She's still a baby Yoonj and babies as little as her usually sleeps the whole day." Jin explained as he kiss Yoonjoon on the forehead. I love how close Yoonjoon is to my Jinnie and how he calls him Papa.

"She looks a lot like you oppa." Her little sister said to Jin and I couldn't agree more.

"No. She looks like me." Yoonjoon said.

I smiled to myself as I think about my children looking a lot like their papa. Yoonjoon looks like Jimin and Seoyeon looks like Jin. I wonder when I'm going to have a child who looks like me.

I let Jin sleep the whole night as he was exhausted the whole day tending to both Yoonjoon and our baby. Yoonjoon became super clingy when Seoyeon came. Maybe vying for Jin's attention.

As expected, Seoyeon was awake almost the whole night. Crying every now and then. Changing her diapers frequently as she usually poops right after drinking her milk. But I'm not complaining, I love being a dad to my daughter. Jin forbids me to carry our daughter often as she don't want our baby to depend on being carried all the time.

"Kookie." I heard Jin called as he kisses me on my cheek. I opened my eyes and it's morning. I didn't realized that I fell asleep beside Seoyeon's crib.

"Goodmorning. I'm sorry I fell asleep."

"It's okay. You transfer on the bed. I will take Seoyeon outside for her morning sunlight. I will wake you up once breakfast is ready." Jin leaned over. He removed our daughter's clothes before picking her up.

I, on the other hand, transferred to bed. My back and neck aching of the awkward position I slept with. Jin sat down beside me with our daughter in his arms. He leaned forward to kiss me. His lips linger, perhaps, he missed it.

"Thank you my Kookie." He said, smiling.

"For what babe?"

"For staying up the whole night for me. I'll take charge tonight okay? You take a rest there. I promise to make it up to you as soon as my wound heals." He kissed me again. "We can use that chair of yours. Fully and maybe, over use it." He whispered as he winks at me and storming out of the room with our baby.

I smiled. My husband really is a needy Jinnie. I love it and I can't wait until he is fully healed. But for now, I want to enjoy the bed and sleep.

Bliss || KOOKJIN ☑️ CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now