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Pyro's P.O.V.

"Can you tell me why I have to do this," I couldn't help but sound nervous as I try to keep my balance "This looks very dangerous."

I was standing on a platform in the middle of our pool, felt like I was on some game show. This was not how I pictured spending my Saturday night.

"Since you will be using your powers without my supervision," my mother stood near the edge of the pool, looking up at the sky then back at me "I need to make sure that you have control of them and not the other way around."

Due to yesterday's events, my mother was taking this evening to perform a ritual. This ritual was one thing she hoped that I wouldn't have to perform in my lifetime. She never really told me what this ritual does once performed, besides saying that it would help control my abilities.

"If this is supposed to help me with my powers, why do I feel like you are more nervous than me," I could tell that my mother was on edge by the way she is acting "I am the one have to perform it."

"This ritual is more than to help you control your abilities," she paused for a moment before continuing, "it's a ritual that white wolves need to perform once in their lifetime."

"If I have to do it in my lifetime, can I do it some other time?"

"If you are to be using your powers, it has to be done now," my mother looked at me with worry eyes, yet her voice was stern "you will have less control of your abilities each time you use them till they consume you.


"She made sure that this ritual must be performed one way or another. Her gifts are not truly free," said my mother in a soft tone as if she was reflecting on something.

"Who is she," Ylva asked, emphasizing on the word, she.

"Remember, you have to summon each of the elements." My mother went on to say without answering Ylva's question, "picture the elements then let them flow into reality."

"Have you done this ritual before," I questioned my mother.

"I was taught it, but it hasn't been performed in a while," my mother whispered.

Finding out that I have to perform a ritual that hasn't been performed in years didn't sit well with me. I had a gut feeling that my mother wasn't giving me the full picture. There was something about her that was off as if she still debating about me performing this ritual.

"I hope you don't receive her blessing," I heard my mother whispered, her words laced with concern, "please don't give him your blessing."

"What blessing?" I curiously asked her.

"There are four base elements. What are they?" She quickly asked, avoiding my question.

"Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth," I softly answered.

"Good," I watch as she walks along the side of the pool, "now what are the prime elements?"

"Light, dark, and spirit."

"Once you start the ritual, there is no stopping it," my mother tone was sterner than before "you will feel a surge of energy flowing through you, use it to help you summon each element."

"I'm not going to change. I'm still going to be me?"

"This ritual is for white wolves," she paused, giving herself a second before continuing, "but this hasn't been done with a male who has a white wolf."

"Well, my life can't get any worse than it is now. Let get this over!" I went on to tell her, trying to pump myself up for whatever happens.

"Ylva and Tasha, go line the pool." My mother ordered before turning her attention back on me "let's get this over with."

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And like always...

Thank you for reading!

-AJ Pharaoh

Sorry for the short chapters, trying to declutter the chapters that have several scenes in them.

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