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Jessie's P.O.V.

"Will he be alright," I asked the pack's doctor who examined the unconscious Pyro, "the bear trap had wolfbane in it."

"He should be fine. The bleeding has already stopped," the doctor whispers as she looks at Pyro's ankle that had the bear trap on it, "I'm more curious as to why he was that deep in the woods."

"Who knows what goes on in that mind of his," I told her as I stared at him, trying to figure that out myself since he didn't have a reason to go there in the first place.

"And what happened to the guy who did this?"

"He escaped," I whispered.

Whoever that guy was, he was well prepared. The measures he took to hide his scent from being discovered. He knew how dangerous it was entering a pack's territory without an invitation. That guy made sure he wouldn't be able to get track down. If it weren't for those explosives, I would have had him.

"To think he has a white wolf," she went on to say in a curious tone, "I'm impressed that he was able to keep her hidden for so long."

"About that," I glance over at the doctor, "how is it even possible that he was born with a white wolf?"

"It shouldn't be," she continues as she looks at Pyro, "yet here he is. I think the more important question is, why?"


"One thing is for sure is that only certain females are chosen to be born with a white wolf, mainly those of the alpha's bloodline," her voice was lace with curiosity as she spoke, "there must be a reason why he was born with a white wolf, it makes me wonder."

"Wonder about what?"

"He should be fully healed in a few hours," she went on to say, ignoring my question, "I should get to working on your wounds."

I completely forget that I was wounded with a few cuts across my chest and arms from fighting the guy trying to claim Pyro.

"It's nothing too serious," I told her, knowing that they were already healing, "I will be fine in an hour or so."

"Well, I think you should sleep in the guest room," she went on to insist, as she looks at me then back at Pyro, "I don't know why you brought him to your room instead of the clinic."

"I wasn't thinking," I said with a smirk.

"Right," the doctor slowly made her way to the door, "I will come to check on him in a few hours."

Once she left, I made my way into the bathroom. After all the action I had this evening, a long hot shower would do me some justice.

My mind ponders on the reason why Pyro was born with a white wolf. The look in our pack doctor's eyes, I knew she had some concerns when it came to Pyro. But, I knew she wasn't going to tell me or anyone until she was sure. Pyro goes against everything that is known about white wolves and their pack.

"What a night," I groan as I exit my bathroom.

My surprise, the person I thought would be sleeping for a few more hours, was slowly sitting up.

"You're finally up," his eyes landed on me, "I guess that wolfbane is wearing off."

"Where am I," he whispered as he looked around my room.

"Don't worry, you're in my room," I told him as I dry my hair.

"Is that supposed to make me feel safe," he asked, as he feels around his neck, I'm guessing for a mate mark.

"You can stop worrying, and I didn't claim you," I could tell, saying that still didn't make the situation any better, "and you should be thanking me for saving you from that guy who was about to claim you."

"Where is that guy?" Pyro had a look of disbelief before his eyes narrowed, "did you get him?"

"No, I think you should stay alert till we find him," I told him, knowing that guy could be anywhere since we can't track his scent.

Pyro slowly made his way out of the bed until he realized that he didn't have any clothes besides his blue trunks. He wrapped himself in my blanket, his eyes locked on me.

"Where the hell are my clothes?" He snapped.

"Being washed, they were badly stained and not the good ones," I told him as I went into my closet to get dressed, "Besides, you know I could have claimed you while you were passed out and then you won't be chased after anymore."

"Who says I want you?"

"Your wolf does," I shouted out as I put on a shirt "She does have good taste in guys."

I heard a slight sound of him trying to hold back a laugh.

"So you can laugh, you are not completely emotionless," I joked, somewhat happy that I could make him laugh.

"Thank you for saving me, but I have to go," Pyro whispered as the wind began to pick up.

I rushed out my closet with one leg in my jeans, but everything was intact. The way the wind was howling, I thought it would have caused some damage. The only thing that was missing was Pyro, and my windows open. I guess I underestimate him having less control of his powers since I had to save his life.

"Well, at least he thanked me before he left," I said with a smile as I closed the windows.

Sorry for this short chapter, but I wanted to keep this small interaction between Pyro and Jesse instead of just removing it

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Sorry for this short chapter, but I wanted to keep this small interaction between Pyro and Jesse instead of just removing it. Also, I think the part with the pack doctor is important.

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And like always...

Thank you for reading!

-AJ Pharaoh

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