Chapter 4. The woods

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I found a fallen tree to sit down on, eventually fully laying my back on it. I stared up at the sky. I loved watching how the wind blew the trees. Especially how the leaves all moved different directions, and how far the tops of the trees would move. I closed my eyes and just listened. It was calming to my soul.

I don't know how long I laid there but when I opened my eyes I felt rested and calm, which lasted for about a millisecond. It was getting dark. I was out here alone and no one knew where I was. I didn't even have a cell phone to call for help. The peace and calm I had found in these woods was quickly replaced with fear and anxiety.

I started walking the way I thought I had come. After about fifteen minutes I came to a steep incline, realizing it was not the right way I turned around, trying to find my way back to the log. Fifteen minutes or more later and there was no log. Nothing seemed even remotely familiar.

I started panicking and decided to run. I'm no track star, I wasn't very fast, but darkness was quickly falling around me and I was terrified. I was running for probably ten minutes when I slipped on moss. My head hit the ground. Last thing I remember was my face landing in the cold and wet mixture of moss dirt, and dead leaves. Then everything went black.

When I woke up I was completely disoriented. I laid still with my eyes shut because of the pounding in my head. I couldn't remember where I was or what happened. Some where close by I heard growling and stiffened. Everything came back to me and I held my breath. I was in the woods, lost and alone, and it must be fully dark now. I tried to even my breathing and lay perfectly still. Hopefully whatever growled didn't notice me. Probably stupid, but I didn't know what else to do.

Suddenly I heard leaves crunch near me and felt warm hands behind my legs and neck. Like someone was trying to pick me up. Immediately, the hands were gone as soon as they touched my skin. I heard a male voice curse very close to me.

"What the Hell! Her skin just burnt me!!" I heard the same voice say out loud before I heard him take steps away from me. I then heard something big walking towards me and felt whatever it was sniff my face. It then sneezed, yes sneezed, in my face. Which caused my eyes to open involuntarily out of shock.

I was face to face with the biggest animal I had ever seen in my life. It was completely dark out so I couldn't see much besides it's long black nose and piecing golden eyes. I don't know what it was but I wasn't sticking around to find out.

As stupid and pointless as it was I jumped up and took off running. I didn't look back, fearing whatever that was, was getting ready to pounce on me. I just kept running. Eventually I realized there was no sounds of anything chasing me so I stopped to take a breath. It felt like my lungs were going to explode. I wasn't built to run like that.

After my breathing slowed I took a second to calm myself. I looked around and realized I could see lights through the trees. Praying it was the school I started to slowly walk towards it. I then heard something snap behind me and took off running for the light like a chicken with its head cut off. I stumbled and slipped several times, my shoes and half of my clothes were entirely soaked by the damp floor of the forest. It was cold and my body was going numb but I kept running towards the light.

I literally slammed into the light source. It was the teacher from my first class with a flash light. He grumbled a bit while righting himself, then helped me stand. He took out a walkie talkie from his pocket.

"I found her, everyone return to the dorms." He said into the walkie talkie.

He could see that I was shivering so he took his jacket off and threw it over my shoulders. I mumbled a thanks, he put his hand softly on my back and guided me back towards the school. Only then did I glance back, no monstrous animal in sight, I breathed a sigh of relief. If I told anyone about that animal they'd probably think I'd lost it, so I kept it to myself. Silently wondering what it was.

We arrived at the dorms and both Amy and Brie ran to me and engulf we with a hug. They took off the teacher's coat and replaced it with a thick wool blanket and brought me inside to the couch and sat down with me. Someone brought me a coffee to help warm me up. We were surrounded by concerned looking students and a few teachers. No one really talked. Going that far into the woods was forbidden.

Someone cleared their throat and everyone looked towards them. In the doorway stood Mr. Alan Lincoln. The headmaster of the school. He was a tall man, probably well over 6 feet tall. He had broad shoulders with lots of muscles. His hair on his head and beard was brown. He hard hard brown almost black eyes. He was giving me a very sharp look before I looked away. He was very intimidating.

"Everyone, thank you for locating Miss Smith. If you would all be so kind to please head back to your rooms to warm up and get to bed. It's very late so we will cancel school tomorrow. Thank you for your bravery and time, please rest up." Mr. Lincoln declared to everyone but me. Amy and Brie reluctantly left me when Mr. Lincoln gave them a hard look.

Once everyone cleared out Mr. Lincoln sat down on a leather chair across from me. He was so big the chair seemed to scream in protest. He intertwined his fingers and rested his chin on them before looking straight at me. I froze under his gaze.

"Miss Smith, would you like to tell me why you ditched class and why we found you out in the woods? Everyone has been worried sick. Thankfully some of your classmates saw you go into the woods so we had an idea of where to look!" He all but shouted the end at me. I was shaken and very intimated but I knew I had to reply.

"I didn't mean to go that far. I was just overwhelmed and needed a place to clear my mind." I admitted truthfully. I heard Mr. Lincoln sigh.

"Miss Smith, you cannot go into the woods that deep, especially not alone. The woods can be very dangerous, especially at night. You are very lucky you were found." Mr. Lincoln replied much calmer. I just nodded my head in response.

"I'm going to give you a warning for this incident. But I don't want it happening again. Do I make myself clear?" He ask with a very sharp edge to his voice. I quickly nodded my head in agreement. When I saw that wasn't enough I belted out "yes, sir" in a very shaky voice. He nodded his head and stood up to leave.

"Now, go get some rest. I expect to see you back in class Thursday." He stated then left.

I quickly made my way to my room. I ran straight into my bedroom, past Brie's concerned look, and shut the door. I threw off all of my wet clothes and jumped under my covers. Not even caring I was naked. My bed was soft and the blanket was fluffy and warm. I curled up and fell asleep fast. I was praying for a good night's sleep but I should've known that wouldn't happen. I should've known those woods would stir something inside of me.

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