Chapter 17. Changes

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When I woke up I could sense Michael was near. How I'm not sure. Almost as soon as my eyes opened the pain racked through my body again. I didn't know what was happening but I thought I was going to die for sure.

Michael grabbed my hand. The second he did calming sparks erupted where he touched and cooled the burning of my skin. The tingles spread throughout my body calming the fire and pain as it went. The pain was still there but much more manageable. These must be the sparks that mates felt. With that thought I smiled and made eye contact with Michael.

Even in the middle of this pain, whatever it was, when I looked into Michaels eyes everything else faded away. It was like we were the only two people on this planet. I already loved Michael but now that was impossibly intensified. I was completely whole with Michael by my side. Tears filled my eyes and I smiled. Michael's eyes and face expressed so much love it took my breath away, he smiled back at me.

Michael is my mate. Nothing else at this moment makes any sense, but of that fact I'm am 100% sure.

"Are you okay Noel?" Michael asked me softly.

"I... I think so, now that you're here." I croaked out. I wanted to badly to kiss him, I quickly looked at his lips and he laughed, the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard.

"There will be plenty of time for that later." Michael said and winked at me. He then turned to Amy and Thomas. "So... any guesses what's going on? I've got an idea but want to hear what you think."

"Well. She's a hybrid. A three race hybrid by the smells of it." Amy replied quietly. What?? I'm a supernatural! Holy smokes! "But why she's in so much pain and why all of the sudden I don't know. If I had to guess I'd say the necklace was holding her supernatural side back, hiding her scent. Almost like poisoning her."

"But the question is why? Why would someone hold her true self back? Her parents?" Thomas asked with a look of concentration on his face.

Michael chuckled. "I think we're about to see why exactly. I think we need to take her outside. Can you project the shield bigger?"

"If Thomas will lend me strength again I can." Amy said with a blush.

Michael picked me up in his arms bridal style. I still had on my white dress, which was drenched with sweat. I could feel his warmth against me and the tingles erupted everywhere on my skin. Once again I wanted nothing more to kiss him while I stared up at his face. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he was walking. We were almost outside when I decided that I absolutely had to kiss him. I pulled myself up with my arms and pushed my lips forcefully onto his, I could feel him smile behind the kiss. I pulled back, immediately missing the sparks on my lips and looked into his eyes. They seemed to be on fire with desire. We were outside and he stopped walking.

Michael's arm that was holding my legs dropped them and guided them around his waist. I quickly locked my ankles behind his back and pull myself impossibly closer to him. He pulled me in for another kiss. This one was worlds different than anything I had experienced.

The sparks that erupted sent chills down the rest of my body. Everything around us seemed to fade away. Like it was just him and I, together forever. That's all I wanted. I wanted all of him and I wanted it now. My forwardness surprised me but I didn't try to reign it in. I deepened the kiss and so did Michael in return. Our kiss was getting very heated. I heard Amy and Thomas at different times try to interrupt us but neither of us paid attention.

Until suddenly the pain was back and full force. I went rigid in michael's arms and screamed. I heard Michael ask Amy to get the shield pushed out further and he set me down on the ground.

The pain I was feeling reflected in his eyes. He tried to speak to me but I couldn't hear him through my pain. He took a few steps back, that hurt me. Why was he leaving me. I could tell he wanted to come to me when he saw the look of betrayal in my eyes, but he didn't. He tried to speak to me but I couldn't hear him. The pain was so bad I curled into a ball and held my breath.

Breathe little one. Our mate has to stand back so we don't hurt him. Let me take control and I'll get us through this.

I breathed a sigh of relief through the pain. Knowing Michael wasn't abandoning me helped. Now how do I give the voice control? And should I trust them?

I heard a chuckle in my head.

Little one I am your wolf. My name is Lilith, my name means night monster/storm goddess. We will be strong. The necklace kept us weak but now we will gain our strength. You can trust me, just like you did with removing the necklace. Picture yourself settling down in the back of your mind and I can take control.

I did as my wolf said and retreated into the back of my mind. The pain was lessened there but I could still see hear and feel everything that was going on.

My body turned over onto my knees and laid on them. My forehead rested on the ground. My arm pushed out to the sides, palm up. My palms started to glow and a bubble formed around me. I could distantly hear voices talking and moving closer in worry.

My head picked up. And everyone stopped moving.

"I am Lilith. Everything will be fine." Came from my mouth in a deeper tone than what I'm used to. Michael looked confused and worried.

"Lilith? Her wolf? She's a hybrid... she has a wolf with a name?" Thomas asked with a serious but curious tone.

"We are special." Was all my mouth replied before I resumed my previous position. Pain racked my body. Lilith never screamed, I could only feel a small amount of what she was feeling.

Suddenly our bones started to twist and snap. Bend and break. Even in my position I felt immense pain. I couldn't even imagine the pain my wolf was enduring. My shift looked nothing like when I had seen Michael do it. Moments of agony passed before it finally stopped.

In my corner of the brain I had shut off my other senses to deal with the pain. I opened my eyes. Thomas Amy and Michael were all gawking at me. My body shook, then peered down to the ground. Instead of my hands there were paws! Pure white paws that seemed to glisten silver in the moon light!

Lilith yipped and trotted around. I felt pure happiness radiating off of her. She was happy to finally be free. She wanted to run. I agreed, so we took off running. The bubble she had made disappeared as we walked through it. As did The bigger bubble surrounding the house. We headed straight for the woods.

We glanced behind me to see Michael in his wolf form trying to catch up to us. We pushed harder. We were faster than he was but he didn't give up the chase.

Lost in the freeing feeling of the woods we kept running. We didn't notice that we had completely lost Michael until we stopped and looked around. Neither of us had any clue where we were.

Suddenly, we felt the presence of several wolves. None of them were our mate but one did feel familiar. Somehow I was sneaked up on, something hit me on the head. My face hit the ground then I was out like a light. Beautiful ending to my perfect run, I thought lightly.

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