Chapter 22. Life changing

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Warning! Near the end of the chapter is a bit of a steamy interaction. Nothing too graphic. If that's not your thing just skip the rest after they go up the stairs. Just know it got steamy and you won't have missed anything terribly important.

As soon as Michael heard his name he must've come running. He wrapped his arms around me and backed us up to the couch we had been sitting on earlier. He was still dripping wet and wasn't wearing a shirt. I cuddled into his chest and wrapped his arms around me tighter. I felt a peace come over me and I was able to stop the uncontrollable sobs that had been escaping my mouth. When I was finally calm enough I turned to my friends and wiped my eyes, a smile on my face, which seem to confuse everyone even more.

"Nymeriah is my mother." Was all I said, an ear to ear grin plastered on my face.

Everyone sat stunned for a moment, trying to absorb what I had said. Amy and Thomas studied my face, I wasn't sure if they were trying to see any resemblance or figure out if I was lying.

"Are you sure?" Amy was the first to hesitantly speak.

"Yes, my wolf told me her and my fathers name and some details about them that she could remember." I replied with a smile, waiting for it to sink in for them.

"Love, are you saying your wolf was present? You were a toddler?" Michael questioned.

"Yes, she said my parents could sense her as well, which was why they had the necklace made." I responded, still waiting for everyone to feel the joy I felt. Michael smiled and shook his head.

"You must be very strong. I doubt we've even seen an inkling of your strength." Michael beamed with pride at his statement.

Thomas had been completely silent. He was just watching me quietly. Silently he walked up to me and gave me a bone crushing hug. Silent tears streamed down his face. I hugged him back and let my tears flow. When he stepped back I repeated the process with Amy. She kept muttering that she should've know, but how could she when I took after my dad? In my visions he was the one that I seem to have gotten my looks from.

"You know, it makes sense. I've always been drawn to you, which is why I bought my house near your orphanage. At first I thought perhaps you were my mate but as time went on a mate bond never developed, but I still felt drawn to you. My big sister's baby girl." Thomas again started bawling and engulfed me in another hug. We discussed my mother some more but it proved to be too much for Thomas. Amy led him away to try to calm him down. After they left Brian and Brie were still staring at me, Brie had a confused look but Brian looked like he was trying to piece something together.

"Who is your father?" Brian asked out of the blue.

"His name was Orion, I take a lot after him. He was the alpha of the Silver Moon pack." I replied. Both Michael and Brian stiffened at my response and stared at me wide eyed.

"How is this even possible? Orion was an elder, he was even on the council for a few months! How could they have kids?!.... Nymeriah must have been well beyond the age to conceive as well." Brian interjected still trying to piece everything together.

"I don't know the specifics, I only know what my wolf was able to learn before I started wearing the necklace." I replied.

"You do realize that your parents are two of the most powerful supernaturals the planet has ever seen don't you?" Brian asked. I shook my head.

No, no I did not know this. I barely knew anything about them! Each time I get an answer about them it just sprouts more questions!

"They both did disappear from the council at the same time." Amy added from the doorway. "It does all make sense now throwing little Noel into the story. I do wonder why she hid that they were mates though. I didn't even know."

I shrugged. Another question I didn't really know the answer to. Brian and Michael talked about my father. About all his grand stories of heroism. They said he was one of the best alphas in history. When he stepped down, his beta's son became alpha. They said that a few months later, however the new Alpha was challenged and lost. Ever since Alpha Jackson has been there. He supposedly has a sick mate that no one ever sees. His son is expected to become the Alpha in a few years.

I listened as the guys gossiped about this young alpha to be. Supposedly he was kept hidden, no one even knew his name, no one has ever seen him outside the pack. They've only heard stories passed quietly from pack members. There were several conspiracy theories surrounding Alpha Jackson and his mate as well. I tuned them out and relaxed into Michael's chest.

Some time later I heard Brian and Brie whisper a good night to Michael as he stood up with me in his arms. He carried me up the familiar path to my room.

He laid me down and covered me up before he walked away. I pouted as his warmth left me and opened my eyes searching for him. He had gone into the bathroom and I heard the shower turn on. He must not have finished his shower earlier.

Without his presence beside me I felt uncomfortable and couldn't fall back asleep. I got up and changed into my pajamas. Soft sweat shorts and a stretchy loose t shirt. I didn't even bother putting on a bra. I climbed back into bed and pulled the blankets around me. Even soft and warm I couldn't fall back asleep.

After a few minutes Michael came back into the room and got under the blanket with me. I wasn't sure what he was wearing, but it wasn't much. Thankfully his back was to me as I blushed with embarrassment and desire. He rolled over though and pulled me close to him so my back was flush against his naked chest. I could feel his defined muscles against my back. His hot breath fanned my neck, leaving goosebumps in its absence.

Before I could stop myself I turned over towards him. Our faces were mere inches apart and now my chest was against his. I could feel my nipples harden against his skin with just the thin material of my shirt dividing our skin. My breath hitched as I felt desire pooling inside me, his breathing became rough and strained. I could also feel his little friend growing against the front of my thigh. I pulled his mouth to mine and kissed him deeply.

Suddenly Michael was on top of me with our blanket thrown elsewhere. He stared at my body, his eyes heavy with desire. He growled lightly before leaning himself down on me to kiss me. I wrapped my hands in his hair and pulled his face to mine.

We were both panting when he pulled away. Thankfully he didn't stop. Michael starting kissing on my neck which had me moaning. My body lifted up towards him, pressing myself against the length on his. Suddenly he stopped. Laying his head on my collarbone he took a deep breath.

"I love you Noel, I am so happy that you're my mate." Michael said in a deep husky voice. I pulled his face to mine.

"I love you too Michael." I said with completely certainty.

Michael rolled off of me and hugged my side. I was feeling a bit rejected, I could feel tears start to form in my eyes. Michael noticed and kissed them away.

"I want you, badly, but when we fully mate I want it to be in perfect. And I don't want it to be a secret." Michael said softly in my head, causing goosebumps to rise down the side on my neck. "Soon, my Luna."

Michael kissed my hair and I snuggled into him. He felt too good to be real. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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