Chapter 4: Definition of BFF

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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥S.B. Kenny ©♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Chapter 4: Definition of BFF

            I love conversing with Rina because she my other half. We have been lifelong friends because our moms were best friends. However, our families began to drift apart when Rina’s mom passed away 3 years ago. Rina began to drift away from her family when her father got a new…“love” interest. Every other day you could find Rina at my house, despite us living on opposite sides of the town. It turned into a daily thing when Rina’s older brother left for Navy training. Since we were so close, it only made sense that she moved with us. That was 3 years ago, and to this day, we are still THE best of friends.

When we are by ourselves, which is rarely, we are calm and relaxed. But put us together and all hell breaks loose. When I was still in my goody girl phase, people were surprised I knew that word ‘bitch’. We were always getting into trouble, nothing too serious. It was mostly causing chaos for our old bus driver or playing tricks on enemies. When I say I would take a bullet for Rina, I’d take it straight through the heart. I know she would do the same thing and that’s why I love her. I don’t even look at her as a friend anymore. When I introduce her to new people, I say she is my other sister.

I knocked on her door and entered without waiting for a response. Rina’s room represents her perfectly. She is an upcoming model so her room had pictures and posters of models that she looks up to or has met. In the far most right corner, she has her sewing equipment. This is perfect because she also wants to be a fashion designer, as well. She painted her room neon green and everything else in her room was pink, black, or white. Her king-sized bed was by the only wall not covered by mirrors or windows. Her bedspread was white with green, pink, and black splotches on it. Rina, herself, was sitting at the window seat with her legs crossed and a modeling magazine in her hands.

“Hey Zoe.” She greeted me without looking up from her magazine. Yeah, my family still called me Zoe.

“Hey Rina.” I returned her greeting as I plopped on her bed. I let her finish reading about how to properly do a modeling term before speaking again. When she closed the magazine, she gave me 100% of her attention. That was another thing you had to love about Rina. When you came to talk to her, she actually listened.

“Today…was…a…huge…success!” She stated with enthusiasm.

I nodded. “Sorta, I didn’t get to talk to Jake, like I wanted to.”

Rina waved a hand in front of her face, as if she was fanning that idea out of her face. “Jake, smake. The Ryne Hendricks is interested in you.” She gushed.

I rolled my eyes. “Good for Hendricks, but now I have Lexii and her goons breathing down my neck.” I watched as Rina got up and sashayed, yes she does that, to where I was laying upside down on her bed.

“Fuck Lexii,” she said and it brought a smile to my lips, “she is yesterday’s news.” She clapped her hands excitedly. “What’s on the agenda for tomorrow?”

I sat up properly before sending her a conniving smile. “That’s where you come in, Ms. Marcs.”


            After 2 and half hours of scheming, we were done. Our plan was scheduled to last the rest of the week. By Friday night, I should have Jake begging for my attention. Saturday night, I should be his ‘girlfriend’. Jake’s average for dating is 3-4 weeks. The plan was for him to fall for me and then for me to make him fall to his knees because of heartbreak by week #3. This is where my 16 years of acting come in. Acting comes second only to dance for my hobbies, so I’m an expert at this. People would often question how I could be so shy offstage but shine brightly onstage. Simple: it’s easy to pretend to be something I’m not. Girls in high school have been doing for ages. The only difference between acting and being fake is that when I step offstage, I’m done being fake. High school girls are fake 24/7.

I’m supposed to use my flawless acting to make Jake believe that I’m completely different from his exes. So pretty much, I am going to be the girl version of him. We gathered some information (and by that I mean, Rina used her hacking skills) to guarantee that I could nab him. All I had to do was like fishing, love football and basketball, know how to cook, show PDA, and love poetry. I had everything but PDA and poetry in the bag. I’m not a fan or public displays of affection. In fact, I’m disgusted by it. It’s like saying, ‘Yeah, I’m in a relationship and you are not. Now let me prove it by shoving my tongue down my girlfriend/boyfriend’s throat!’ Hugging and hand holding, that I can put up with. A little peck every now and then? Perfectly fine with. But a full-on let-me-face-fuck-you-with-my-mouth make out, I’d rather sit through learning about history (and I despise history).

Since Rina is the fashionista of the family, she just had to pick out my outfit for tomorrow.

“Pastel colors are your best friends because dark colors wash out your skin and make you look pale. Paler than you are.” She was saying as she went through my closet.

 My room, also, represented my personality perfectly. My room was a light side of green with ivory accents. I was going for a sophisticated look when I painted it. One wall was dedicated to floor to ceiling mirrors for practicing my dancing when I didn’t have time to go to the studio a few blocks away. Cameo’s, my husky puppy, cage was located at the end of my king-size bed. But being the spoiled princess she is, she never slept in it. She slept with me on the bed. Her eyes were an icy blue and they seemed to be brighter because of her brown/white fur. Another wall was dedicated to floor to ceiling shelves filled with books. In front of the shelves was a desk with a state of the art computer. I love to write…can you tell?  One of the corners of my room is solely dedicated to my makeup. I have every top brand makeup in that corner. Doing makeup is another hobby I have but it’s not what I want my future line of work to be. I want to run a successful dog training business/animal spa. And possibly a writer on the side.

“You should go tanning, for real, Zoe.” She suggested from the depths of my walk-in closet. I rolled my eyes even though she couldn’t see me.

“Oh yeah, Rina, because I want to look like an oompa loompa threw up on me!” I exclaimed as I petted Cameo.

“You know, Zoe LeAnn, not everybody who tans looks orange. Just go get a sun kissed glow.”

“If you were close enough to the sun to receive a kiss from the sun, you’d be beyond burnt.” I stated as a made a face at Cameo.

“God, you are such a nerd!”

“And you are such a whore.” I fired back with a smile.

“Love you.”

“Love you, too, Rina.”

It was quiet for a little bit and I wondered what made Rina shut up.

“I found the perfect outfit for you!” She trilled and emerged from my closet. I looked at the outfit in her hands and felt a smile creep onto my face.

“That is the perfect outfit.”

Don't Play The Nice Girl: Junior YearWhere stories live. Discover now