Chapter 9: Gearing Up For Heartbreak

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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥S.B. Kenny ©♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

After school on Thursday, I was in the gym at 3:10. Not for dance, because that started at 4. Nope, I was here to run. Yeah, go on and call me crazy. For some odd reason, I have to run at least half a mile before performances. Or in this case, tryouts. Today I decided to run a mile and a half. I had 40 minutes to do it, so time wasn't a factor. Running loosens me up.

I plugged my headphones into my iPhone and began running at a steady pace. I was almost done when somebody tapped my shoulder. Screaming, and being the graceful person that I am, I tripped and fell foward. My right elbow and left knee smacked on the floor and the sound echoed throughout the gym. I rolled to my side and sat up.

"Ow," I brillantly said as I pulled out my headphones. Instantly, 'Dead In The Water' was gone.

"Jeez, are you okay?" Louis asked with concern but wore a smirk on his face. I examined my knee and elbow. I could already tell I was going to have some nasty bruises. I looked up at him.

"I hear the concern in your voice but you are stiffling your laughter." I stated as he helped me up. "Are you laughing at me?"

"Just a little bit. I didn't realize you scare easy. Or that you were that clumsy."

"I fall and trip all the time. Just never when I dance. Its weird." I told him. He was still grinning. I hit him in his chest lightly and cursed mentally when I hurt my hand. Stupid males and their muscular chests! "Stop laughing and let me finish my last 5 laps," I said as I put my headphones back in. I ran the last 5 laps at full speed while Louis stood and watched. When finished, I placed my elbow (gently) in my knees.

"Do you run every day?"

"No," I breathed. "I try to though. But before every performance I do." Breathe slowly in your nose and exhale through your mouth, I told myself.

"Why?" Louis asked. His shoes came into my line of vision.

"It calms me, I guess."

"Oh," he mumurmed as I straightened to my full height. Realizing that he towered over me, I had to ask.

"How tall are you?"

"6"5'" He said smirking. Damn, a whole foot taller than me. I looked at him. I mean, I really looked at him. Today he was wearing a black blazer and a maroon colored t-shirt underneath. I couldn't help missing the fact that his black jeans made his butt look insanely good. I'm not even going to lie. I mean, that has to be the perfect ass ever! I wish mine could look like that. Hmm, I wonder what workouts he does to tone--

"Did you know," Louis spoke, tearing my gaze from his butt to his eyes, "that it is very rude to stare at a guy's butt, especially if that butt doesn't belong to your boyfriend." He teased. Damn, he caught me. Well, you weren't hiding the fact that you were blantantly staring at his ass, Zoe!

"Oh, I wasn't staring. I was just wondering why in the hell you were wearing girl pants. I was actually thinking that I have the exact pants at home." I fired back.

"Oh, hardey har har." He deadpanned. I glanced at the clock and it was 3:45. I walked to the bleachers and sat down to enjoy the few minutes of rest I had before people came pouring in. Louis sat next to me and I closed my eyes.

"We running today, Captain?" He asked me, nudging my knee with his.

"Yes, we are," I said as I winced slightly. My knee was still in pain from the fall earlier. "And I'm not Captain." I told him with my eyes still closed.

"Wait, you are not captain? But you are always in charge." Curiosity and confusion was clear in his voice.

"Tomorrow the official team will choose who is captain. I could be captain for the whole team or just varsity or JV. Its all up to the team. And the only reason why I'm in charge is because this was a hip hop 4 routine. This was also my routine at camp this past summer."

Don't Play The Nice Girl: Junior YearWhere stories live. Discover now