New Student

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A/N: HI!!! I'm here with another horrifically written and fast paced fanfic in the same universe as 'The Interview'. The story was actually written a while ago but I unpublished it to polish it up a little bit just so that it wasn't as bad but still has the horrible charm from when I originally wrote it. This one is tagged under ambw as well because I want to make sure everyone can read it and fit themselves into it and I know that the descriptions that are put into some of the y/n ffs don't fit for black readers. Anyway that's my little spiel. Enjoy as much as you can and thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote, comment and share! I love reading y'all's reactions to stuff and remember, you are loved! MWAH <3


You sit at the table in the far back of the English schools library. It is completely empty, as you scroll through your phone, checking your schedule. You have one more student to see, but they didn't happen to give you their name. It was strange enough that the student was so secretive about it, but it doesn't matter. You just want to help people learn, as it IS your job to teach English.

The sun is gently settling to bed, ever so slowly in the calm of fall. The window next to you captures its beauty in the heart of Korea. You check the time- 6:45pm. Your student is 30 minutes late, and you're well as a tad bit tired. You sigh. Standing up to leave, you grab your long black jacket and your work bag. The private schools library doors would be closing soon and you don't want to be locked in there.

You're just making your way to the door when a tall man walks in. His glasses shield his kind eyes. Combine his height and seemingly poor vision, and you understand why he doesn't see you and bumps into you, causing him to knock you down. He looks down at you.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry. Hello, I'm Sejin. I'm assuming you're Ms...?" He extends his hand to help you up. You finish his sentence with your last name, shaking his hand as he pulls you up. You dust yourself off a bit, your work bag on the floor.

"Right, well you have an anonymous student scheduled for today right?" He asks taking his hand back, grabbing your bag.

"Uhm yes! Are you said student?" You ask smiling warmly at him.

"No. Actually I'm the manager of 'said student'. I just needed to make sure everything was secure and I need you to fill out a few forms please. Oh the table, yes let's go over there." He extends his arm to the general direction of the table you were just at, waiting for you to go toward it.

"Oh," You say taken aback. "I- um," he looks at you pleadingly, eagerly waiting for you to walk to the table. "Uh okay." You say smiling unsurely and walking in front of him.

His eyes curl up, along with his mouth in a smile as he takes your bag and you lead him over to the table.

Once you make it over there, Sejin sits your bag next to you then walks over to the other side of the table and immediately starts taking out papers from his own bag.

"Ah, where is it?" He says.

"Where is what?" You ask.

"A pen. I need a pen."

"Oh don't worry, I have one." You say, leaning over to grab one from the side pocket of your bag. You hand it over to him.

"Thank you," he says taking it, while continuously sliding more papers onto the table and before you can get over a you're welcome, he's explaining them.

"Okay, so these first few are an agreement that you will~" you zone him out. You sign the papers, all of them. You don't really care what's on them. You're just a little irritated with all the precautions HE was taking after arriving late, thinking it's a little bit unprofessional. You come out of your haze when you hear him saying your name and waving his hand at your face.

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