Chapter 2

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Cheyenne and Alois we both currently sitting in his office.

The brown skinned girl lifted the tea cup to her face. 'Oop! Pinky out DONT FORGET IT!' Then bring it around town, bri----I'm talking to you!"

She looked up and saw the bipolar blonde angrily staring at the short girl, arms crossed. Cheyenne put down her tea glass. "My apologies Sunshine, please continue" The blonde's eyes widened a bit but then focused on the matter at hand.

"So, who exactly are you?"

The girl smiled. "My names Cheyenne and I'm from a different time and dimension. However, in my world were alot more advanced than you all and I live in America. I'm from the 21st century."

Alois put his hands on the desk and stood up. "What's it like in the future? What do you transport in? What is the clothing like? What does Am--- Your Highness" Alois glared at the Maid who avoid his eye contact.

"Oh mah god, Hannah!"

The Maid's eyes widened once she saw a short girl staring up at her with amazement and to Hannah she looked quite adorable.

"Excuse me, have we met before?"

Alois didn't seem to like how the attention had shifted from him to Hannah. He also noticed how the two looked similar, as if they were related in some way or form.

"Lady Cheyenne, I was asking you some questions." He tilted his head with a smile and Cheyenne smiled in return while going back to her seat, but she waved at Hannah while doing so.

Alois snapped his fingers, startling the beautiful Maid. "Get us some tea and pastries. How about we go outside hm?" Cheyenne nodded. "Let's go Lord Trancy!" She hopped out her chair and out the door. The lavender haired woman went to the door, knob turning.


She turned around and soon felt a slap on her face. "Bloody useless Maid. Haven't I told you not to talk to company?"

Alois walked out the room and down the hallways, soon coming to a stop once he saw Cheyenne on the ground, Claude standing in front of her. "Are you alright my lady?" She picked her self up and stood up, ignoring Claude's hand. "Yeah I'm good, sliding down stair rails is fun!"

She turned to the tall Butler. "Also, just call me Cheyenne. I'm far from a lady and I don't think I have any high title." The golden eyed Demon nodded as she looked to the blonde at the top of the stairs. "That goes for you too, Trancy"


Alois laughed as Cheyenne told a him a Vine that she knew.

She smirked down at him I'm victory. "Now you tell me a joke!" Alois looked up to the sky in thought. "Oh! I got one!"

Cheyenne sat up, patiently waiting for him to say it. "There once was a woman from que, who filled her vagina with glue. She said with a grin, if they pay to get in, they'll pay to get out too!"

Alois looked at Cheyenne with a bright smile on his face. Although, it seemed to falter once he saw that she was looking at him like nothing happened. As if she was bored.

Then, she fell out her chair and craddled her stomach and her cheeks got red as laughter flew in the air. Alois laughed at her state in return.

After some minutes of this, the two calmed down and Claude fixed Alois up while Cheyenne did so herself. Hannah soon came in with their snacks and drinks, placing them down on the table with a bow.

"Aww, thank you Hannah" Hannah smiled but didnt look up at the smiling girl. Cheyenne had just finished explaining her situation to the blonde and his Demons. His past, the anime, her
world. All of it. "So woman can go to school now?" Alois said as he held a cup to his lips.

Cheyenne nodded. "Truely fascinating!" He took a sip while the Trancy Butler stared at the girl across from him. If she knew everything that could be a problem for his future plans.

Cheyenne had then glanced at Hannah and noticed her cheek was red. "Hannah...Can you come here please?"

The Maid silently walked over. Cheyenne motioned her to bend down while Alois and Claude watched in confusion.

Cheyenne brushed a few strands from the women's face and her eyes widened a bit and a sympathetic frown replaces the shining smile that was present on her face. A red hand print was evident on the women's face and seemed to bruise a bit.

Cheyenne looked at Alois. "Did you hit her?"

The blonde in turn nodded his head with a proud smile. "Do it again and see what happens." Cheyenne glared at him as the Earl bucked his eyes out wide. He slammed his hands on the table and stood up, easily towering over the girl. "Who said you have any right to say what I can and cant do to my property!"

The girl stood up and went close to his face. "I did" She narrowed her eyes at him as he looked at her in suprise. "I dont care what reasoning you have to hitting her, but you shouldn't put your hands on innocent beings, especially woman! It doesnt matter that she's a Demon! If you do that shit again, were gonna have a fucking problem. Do I make myself clear?"

The blonde slowly sat down with a sad look on his face and nodded. Cheyenne's gaze softened as she walked over to the male. He stiffened once she was in front of him. She leaned down and hugged him. Alois made little sniffles as he hugged her back and squeezed her tighter.

"I'm sorry for yelling Sunshine. But, its not right to hit her and to do so with no reason at all is even worse."

She lift his chin and smiled down at him. Cheyenne leaned in and kissed his forehead. He looked up at her as she wiped his tears away. "Cheer up Sunshine, wipe those dark clouds away"

The short girl smiled and then turned to Hannah. She took her hand and walked back to the manor.

Alois stared at the girl in shock and admiration. Claude simply watched her leave with amusement and some respect in his eyes.

Back with the two females of the house, Cheyenne was trying to find out how to put a bandage on the Demoness's face without hurting her.

"Ok...Do I put disinfectant on it first or..." Her brown eyes shifted from the bandage to the bottle and then back to Hannah who did nothing but smile at the girl. In all truth, Hannah didn't need any bandages or medication. She was able to regenerate and heal her wounds.

"You can put the disinfectant on first and then put on the bandage, my lady" Cheyenne nodded and put some on her fingers, some droplets falling on the ground. "Oop! Let me just..." She stamped the ground to dry it while the Maid chuckled.

"Here we go" Cheyenne pat Hannah's cheek as carefully as she could and then put the bandage on. She stepped back and narrowed her eyes while pursing her lips. "Hmmm.."

Hannah titled her head and the shortest of the two smiled with two thumbs up. "Did ya see that Hannah! I did it, I helped you put the bandage on!" Hannah smiled and pat the girls head with a light laugh. "Yes, yes you did"

The purple eyed woman seemed to love how the girls eyes would sparkle with life, a smile that would cheer up anyone's day, and a personality like no other.

Hannah even thought of her as her own Daughter.


Alois sat in his office as he looked out the window in thought.

He smiled and looked up. "Interesting isnt she Claude?" Claude nodded. "Certainly, Sire."

"I want to keep her. No matter what, make sure she stays here and never leaves me."

"Yes, your Highness."

Psssshbh A Bitch Can Dream (BB X Modern!OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ