Chapter 42

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Sebastian chuckled "My Lady, all will be fine if we return to the Manor"

Cheyenne flipped him off and aimed her shoe to Ciel "I'll hit him! I swear to God I will!" Ciel shook his head while Sebastian sighed "My Lady, the shoe will not help you in favor. My Young Master will be fine. Aside from that, it's a shoe..." Cheyenne huffed and just chucked it to Ciel.
"Damn, it ain't work"

Sebastian shook his head as he grabbed Cheyenne by her wrists, making her try and pull away "My Lady, fighting will not help anything at all"


The brown skinned girl smiled as Claude stood at the door. She stuck her tongue out at Sebastian "Fuck you, bitch. Claude's here" Before Claude could step in, Alois forced himself in the door "When the hell did they get here!" Cheyenne tried to wiggle away from Sebastian at the distraction, but he kept a tight grip on her.

Alois growled and glared to Ciel "Let go of her! She belongs with me!" Ciel rolled his eyes "She belongs to no one" Alois stomped his foot "Then why are you taking her?"

"What if...We came to a compromise?"

The group all looked to her, letting her continue "Ew, don't stare at me like that. But, I'm sayin', what about switching houses?" Ciel and Alois gave her irritated looks while she pursed her lips "Ay, at least I tried"

She then shook her head "Sunshine. How would you feel if I did leave?" Alois sat a hand to his chest, his face going into one of pain and sorrow "Heartbroken..." Cheyenne bit her lip as she weighed out her options. She hummed "Since these two Fuckers aren't gonna let me go...Oh!" She held up a digit as she stared her new idea with a smile "I can get a little townhouse and work in a shop or so in order to pay for it. That way, you can all visit me--No! I want you with me at all times. Besides, you shouldn't be working at all. I don't want you to" Cheyenne flattened her lips.

'Just makin' life harder for me, Sunshine'

Ciel rolled his eyes as the quiet took over "This is a waste of time. Sebastian" The Butler nodded and grabbed onto Ciel as he propped Cheyenne in one arm. He ran straight out, Claude and Alois chasing after them.

"No! They're getting away! Don't let them take her!"

Cheyenne smacked Sebastian on his leg since she couldn't reach anywhere else "Let the hell go of me! You remember what happened last time" Sebastian nodded with a smile "Yes, of course. However, this time.." He stared at the window infront of him while the two he was holding froze for a moment "We'll be more prepared"

Cheyenne paused as Claude threw a knife Sebastian's way. The girl tried forcing Sebastian to let go of her as he grew closer to the window. Sebastian smirked as he ran through the hall, each fire he ran by cut out as darkness took over the hallway and a broken scream cut through everyones ears.

"It's dark! Help me! I'M SCARED!"

Cheyenne did a sharp intake at his yells. She tried wiggling around in Sebastian's grasp as he ran. But, it all ended as he jumped through the shards, the two teens in his hold bracing themselves for the ground.

Cheyenne frowned and closed her eyes 'I'm so sorry, Sunshine. I'm sorry I cant be with you every step of the way' Cheyenne's frown deepend as she hanged in the air. Hold up, hang?

She opened her eyes as the rain fell off her dangling body. She looked up and smiled at the familiar Garden Shears and waved to the Male that stood in a tree "Hey, Will!" William shook his head and let his Shears bring her to him as they retraced. He sat the girl down next to him on the tree branch, glaring down at her.

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