20. Not Interested

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(T)Raashid's POV

"Oi!! Be quick Mari!!", Caiden shouted as Mari was taking too much time while buying a gem for his next experiment. He has been experimenting if mana could be stored in a specific type of gem.

He has seen the Archmage for it quite a lot. He has been aiming for his title and I'm pretty sure the Archmage will take him as his disciple once he graduates.

"How many times do I need to tell you to not call me that?" He said as he clenched his fist and glared at Caiden, making his way towards us, catching people's attention.

"Stop making a scene both of you. Let's quickly go to the bar before anyone notices us." I said and pulled on my hood. Seriously they act like 5 years old sometimes. They've been like that since they were kids always fighting until I intervene. I was quite naturally mature for my age.

We were sneaking out and I know I'm going to get an earful about it but I might as well do what I want while I'm still the Crown Prince. There's still 6 and a half month left before I will be announced as the Emperor and then things like this will be over. I can't sneak out as Emperor or avoid lessons or slack off. It will be a lot of responsibility on me so I might as well enjoy the time left.

I was discussing this with Mari yesterday and he said I should try things I always wanted to do. Caiden suggested we go drinking at a local bar and I said yes.

We sneaked out directly from the Academy telling the guards that we needed some material for Mari's experiment.

We just have a few hours for ourselves before returning back to the Palace.

We just explored and kept on roaming till we found a local bar. We ordered two glasses of beer. Mari was not drinking since he'll need to answer father later as to where we were. Mari was a smart talker, he could always get his point and win in a debate no matter how juvenile his point maybe. As kids, he always talked his way to get me and Caiden out of trouble.

"Awww! Why are you such a thick head, Mariii? Losen up!" Caiden said, trying to poke Mari's cheek but because he already drank half of his glass, he poked him in the eye instead which made Mari slap his hand away before glaring at him.

"Don't call me that!" He argued.

"Why? It's your name...... Half of your name.", Caiden mumbled, clearly drunk.

"Fuck whoever named me." Mari cursed under his breath.

"Such vulgarities..... But really...who named him? Such a stupid name." I mumbled and Mari just snorted.

"Why? I like his name. It suits him...... Wait... Wasn't it the Emperor who named Mari?" Caiden said then his eyes widened as he realised that.

"Wow. Mari!! You insulted the Emperor now you're going to get arrested for blasphemy!" I yelled and started laughing till the realisation struck me, "Oh! Emperor's my father.....  How dare you insult my father?!"

"You both are drunk." Mari said sighing

"No shit." I mumbled and gulped down the entire glass in one go and started to feel a bit light-headed. My mind started to wander on its own and went to those stupid pink hair again.

Adailia did absolutely anything to get my attention. She went from playing 'hard to get' to 'being clingy as hell'. At some point of time, she even got together with some other kid in the Academy to make me 'jealous'. And when she knew I wasn't getting jealous, she threw the guy away like a ball of used tissue, not giving a damn about his feelings. This cycle went for a while, clingy, playing hard to get, then dating some other guy to make me jealous and so on.

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