The First 'Official' Date

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A Year After Getting Engaged

I was sitting on my study desk, signing yet another document.

Yes! Just 150 more to go!

I grimaced at the thought, doing the opposite of cheering me up.

"Your majesty, this report has some minor errors in them, you will have to do it again.", June, my secretary who I had known for a few weeks, said in a monotone.

I sighed.

Honestly, being a (future) Empress is so tedious, it makes me wanna steal some money and go runaway somewhere quite.

But I won't, because of a certain someone.

A small smile threatens to show itself at the reminder of my fiance.

It's been so long since I last saw Raashid. Both of us are stuck in our room all day, doing reports. And if we have some free time where we are not doing paperwork, we have to attend noble parties and meetings.

It's tiresome.

As June left my study to get a cup of tea for herself, I heard a small thud behind me.

I turned around a bit in my chair to see a hooded figure landing itself in my room from the window.

Horror filled my veins at the sight and I opened my mouth to scream when the hooded figure ran towards me and clasped their hand on my mouth.

"Shush, it's me.", the hooded figure whispered, moving his hand away from my mouth.

"Raashid! What the fuck?! Were you trying to give me a damned heart attack?!" I whisper yelled at him.

"Sorry, but we gotta get out of here. And wear this." He started, looking around the room.

I frowned, "Why?" But wore the cloak anyway.

He quickly scooped me up in his arms, carrying me bridal style, making me clutch onto his shoulder as a small squeak left my mouth in surprise.

"We are going on a date." He said firmly as my brain seemed to malfunction for a second and my heart screamed with excitement and happiness.

"Yesss!", I shrieked in happiness, finally delighted to do something interesting or mainly, happy at getting away from all the paperwork.

"So, where are we going?", I asked Raashid as he started moving with me in his arms, "Let's get some food while we are at it- wait...the main door's the other way- Raashid why are we moving towards the window?! This is a second storey-STOP!STOP! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I screamed, shutting my eyes close and clutching onto Raashid as he jumped from the window, taking me down with him.

He landed gracefully and started running towards God knows where.

"Are you fucking insane?! We could have died!!!!" I cried out, tightening my hold around his shoulders.

"Nah. I'm used to jumping from way more heights than this one. Caiden and I used to make bets as to who would jump down from a higher window when we were kids. And I won all of them." He stated nonchalantly but with a hint of pride.

"STOP! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME LIKE THAT!!!! WHAT ABOUT ALL THESE MOUNTAINS OF PAPERWORK!!!?" I looked up at the window from where Raashid jumped to get a glimpse of a horrified looking June before a canopy of trees obstructed my vision.

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