31. Radish & Rose Meet Again

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After I opened my eyes, I was facing the same ceiling I had first seen when I arrived here.

Seanna told me that after I fainted, I was brought back to the mansion. I was out of it for almost two hours.

When Aiden heard the news, he flipped his shit and stormed to the royal palace to hear what the guards were doing when they were supposed to protect his sister.

Father (Archdude, but he was becoming more of a father figure to me each passing day) was rather calm but asked for the person who caused his daughter pain so he could behead him and hang his head on the mansion's gate as a warning to anyone who dares mess with his family (now I understand where Adailia got all those psychotic genes from).

I somehow managed to convince father to not hang his head anywhere.

When Aiden and father calmed down (which took me hours to do so) and everything was back to normal (like 'not so normal' normal), Seanna asked me how I did that awesome move where I pinned that guy down.

I just brushed it off as 'instincts' and taught her that move in case she ever had to use it. She is the female protagonist after all, so I'm pretty sure she'll be kidnapped in the coming months (like, that's a given).

And well that's how that hectic day ended.

Three weeks had passed since then.

I was strolling in the garden in the evening, it was a holiday and I decided to take a walk outside (since I'm inside most of the time).

Soon I heard voices coming closer and I turned a corner to see Aiden merrily talking to a blonde girl near him.

Ugh. Is it one of those gold diggers again?

Aiden's luck seriously sucks. All the girls invited over either turned out to be super bitchy that acted all high and mighty or were overly sweet that it was obviously fake. And what all of them had in common was they loved touring the house, I practically saw a few of them drooling at the sight of this huge mansion.

And I don't want a sister in law like that (yes, I have finally accepted my sad fate as his sister), Aiden's a really sweet guy (though he goes lunatic when his brotherly instincts kick in) and he deserves someone who'll love him for him and not his money.

"Good evening Oppa! What are you doing here?" I asked, smiling brightly as I made my way towards them.

"Adailia, don't spoil this one." He groaned. He actually caught up on the fact that I'm ruining his meetings with his supposedly future wife after the fifth time.

I smiled sweetly at him before turning my gaze to the blonde girl beside him. She wasn't really that pretty but something about her was kind of different.

"Who's this?" I asked Aiden.

"Oh, this is Jasmine Da Villa, daughter of Marquis Rowan Da Villa, one of  father's allies. And lady Jasmine, this is my sister Adailia." Aiden introduced.

Jasmine bowed and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Adailia."

I looked at her for a second.

"Can I have a word with you alone?" I asked her, ignoring her greeting. If she isn't worth it for Aiden, I don't really need to act all nice.

"No, you can't!" Aiden protested.

"I'm just looking out for you Oppa,  father can't pick a thing right." I said.

"As you wish, Lady Adailia." She said and followed me till we were in a quiet corner of the garden ignoring Aiden's whining.

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