Chapter 15

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Today was the day I got the chance to start over, to prove to my sister that I am mature enough to handle myself. I have to show her that I’m not a child anymore. Quickly, I ate my breakfast and headed out in my long sleeved white shirt top which was tucked into my blue pencil skirt and of course my new peep toe wedge heels. I was dying to try them out since I bought them. Hopefully I looked professional enough.

There it was, the hotel was right in front me, and this internship would hopefully help me achieve a permanent job here. That’s all I really wanted. Walking in I noticed that a couple of the workers were staring at me as I went by the receptionist.

“Excuse me. Hi, I came for the internship position.” I smiled.

“Oh you must be Miss Greene. Juliet Greene?”


“Alright, well you’ll be working closely with Mrs. June.” The girl said as an older stern looking lady came up to me.

I had to say the whole atmosphere the lady gave off was kind of creepy.

“You’re the Greene girl?” she asked dryly.

“Yes, you must be Mrs. June then?”

“Yes, come on, we have a lot of things to do.” She continued as she led the way along the hall to another room.

Honestly I never realized there would be a room there but it was quite a considerate side, very modern looking with an enormous folder drawer, a huge steel cupboard, two desks and a large sized yet up to date computer.

“We’re a little short staffed, the accounting manager retired about a week ago.” Mrs June began as she took a seat.


“But I looked at your qualifications and I don’t think that would be a problem anymore, we’re a little behind in the paperwork. So I suggest you start there.”

“Oh, alright then.” I said as I took out some of the folders and started.

This….was….frustrating. Hours and hours passed as I kept doing this. All I was doing had nothing to do with what I really wanted to do. I mean, I know I shouldn’t be complaining but gosh, I was experiencing the law of diminishing returns here. This was all finance transactions, wasn’t she supposed to train me and show me around too? She wasn’t even there half of the time. Maybe she’ll do it tomorrow, today could just be a hard day. Everyone has that right? Where was she anyway? She didn’t even tell me when my break was.

Well, who cares, this was my right. I sure wasn’t stupid enough to starve myself.

I was so immensely hungry, it was like my stomach was clawing for food and to make things worst I was already sick to the bone, my head ached and my eyes pained. As I walked along to get to the café outside I couldn’t help but notice the stares and whispered I got as I passed by. Suddenly someone pushed me from behind but I kept myself up from falling.

“Oh! I’m so sorry, are you hurt?” someone asked.

Turning around I noticed a girl around my age with green eyes and light blonde hair in a ponytail. Although she had the innocent look, her body language seemed very mature.

“I’m alright.” I replied as I adjusted my skirt smoothly.

“Good, my dumb little assistance doesn’t know his left from right. Maybe if you knew that, you wouldn’t have hit her Markel.” She scolded the young boy besides her who then walked away.

“You didn’t have to scold him, I’m fine.”

“Sorry, it’s just that he never does anything in the right order and I get so mad at him.” She signed, “Umm….don’t mind me asking but are you a guest or do you work here?”

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