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It's been a week since the dinner with the Holland family. I put on a black top and jeans. I decide on converse and light make up. I loosely curl my hair and walk out. Tom is cooking something topless. I smile and walk over and hug him from behind. "Morning babe" said Tom. "Morning" said Clara. He turns off the stove and turns around. "You look nice today" said Clara. I kiss him and he kisses back. "I better get Dee before she has a melt down" said Clara. Tom kisses me quickly and I rush to the room. I walk inside and Daisy smiles at me. "Up ya get" said Clara. I change her nappy and put a clean one on. I put on jeans, a top and baby converse. I brush her hair and we go out. I place her in the high chair and begin to make her cereal. 

I hear a knock on the door and I go open it. "What do you want?" asked Clara. "Full custody of Daisy" said Karl. "No way" said Clara. "Yes. I'm the dad" said Karl. "You are not on the birth cert, you left me when I told you I was pregnant, no one in their right mind would give you full custody" said Clara. "Well I am going to try" said Karl and he hands me the stuff and leaves. I shut the door and Tom looks at me. "I'm gonna kill him" said Tom. "So am I. Dee doesn't know him or what he is to her" said Clara. "Everything will be fine" said Tom. I nod and he kisses me. I give Dee her cereal and we have our pancakes. We talk and have some fun about it.

I look at Tom. "I must begin to look for a lawyer" said Clara. "I know a good one" said Tom. I nod and he goes to his room to call. "They will be here soon" said Tom. I nod and he hugs me. "Everything will be OK, my love" said Tom. I nod and we wait. Tom goes to open the door when there is a knock on the door. Jim and Natalie walk in? Oh wow. "What is the problem?" asked Jim. "Karl wants to get full custody over Dee" said Clara. "What the fuck" said Natalie. I nod. "We're represent you. He cannot do that since he is not on anything legal to put him towards Dee!" said Jim. I nod and look at the ground.  "So what do you wanna do now?" asked Tom. "We'll go home and look over some files about everything." said Jim. They leave and we decide to just relax in the house.

At 6 we have a take away pizza and then we watch movies with Dee. She goes to bed at 8 and then we follow at 10 after movies and talking. 

Karl is a massive dick!

A short one! Tomorrow I am planning on doing a long one!

Hope ya enjoy!

Lorna xx

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