Chapter 6

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Vince's POV

My father kept pestering me about a heir since that day at lunch. And what's worse my mother is doing that also. They are perfect match in everything. I'm not even surprised they got married.

They don't understand that I don't want any commitment yet. I'm only 27 and I need to have a kid. Like, what the hell? I'm too young for such a things. I want to have fun and go to the club. I don't want to babysit a kid.

I sighed in my chair as I was thinking. This all has been very tiring these past few days. I just wish to go to the club, get drunk and have a nice chick. Is that all so hard?

''Are you okay, Mr. Ruiz?'' I heard her, again, soothing voice.
''Is that all you know how to ask?'' I snapped. I looked at her to see her with wide eyes and they already started to become glossy. Jeez, she is sensitive.

''Come here, babygirl.'' I motioned her with my hand. She slowly made a way to my chair and stood next to me. I wrapped my arm around her hips and pulled her closer which obviously caught her by surprise.

''I'm sorry for snapping at you, little one. I have been really tired and grumpy lately.'' I explained.
''Will you be okay?'' She asked.
''I will. Go back to work.'' I gave her small pat on her bum as she went back to her job.

Well, at least someone asked if I'm okay. I noticed she is really sensitve and fragile, so I'll try to be less grumpy. I love how she always asks if I'm okay when she sees me like this.

Her phone suddenly rang making her snap her head to me. I gave her nod that she can answer it.
''Hello!''...''Yes, it's me.''
There was quite silence as person on the other side was speaking. My little one started crying suddenly and I got really worried to see her like that.

I got up and rushed to her. She hung down the phone as she sobbed.
''Little one, what happened?'' I asked her.
''My mom had a heart attack.'' She choked on her tears. I pulled her in a hug as she wrapped her small hands around my neck.

''It will be okay. We're going to the hospital now. Okay, babygirl?'' She nodded and pulled away from the hug. I wiped her tears and kissed her cheek before taking my car keys and going out with her.

She looked so concerned whole the way there. I feel so sorry for her but she seems to hold it in herself. She is really strong for someone so fragile.

As soon as we arrived in the hospital, she ran in one of the hallways as I followed her. It's like she knew where her mother is. In front of the door stood a doctor with nurse.

''Hello, Doctor! How is my mom?''
''She had not strong heart attack, but we were here on time so she is okay now. You can go inside visit her.''
''Thank you so much.'' Doctor smiled and left with following nurse.

''I'll wait for you here, little one. You can go inside.'' I said. She smiled and entered the room as I ploped down on the chair. Damn, she really has it rough. My poor babygirl!

I waited here for about half an hour before she came out smiling. Relief immediately passed through me when I saw her happy face again. She came in front of me as I rested my hands on her hips.

''Is everything okay now?''
''It is, Mr. Ruiz. My mom is feeling better now.'' She chirped happily.
''I'm glad to hear that, little one.''
''Thank you for bringing me here.'' She blushed a bit. Isn't she the cutest? I chuckled and pulled her on my lap. She literally weights nothing.

''Have you just blushed, little one?'' I teased her which made her cheeks deep red.
''Don't tease me, Mr. Ruiz. I was just being nice.''
''You're always nice even when you don't want to be.'' I said.
''I can be rude when I want.'' She frowned. If she keeps frowing while she is cute like this, I'm going to kiss her.

We were interrupted by the same doctor from before. He was holding few papers in his hand as his face held apologetic look.

''Do you have time to talk, Anita?''
''Yes, Doctor.''
''I don't think you forgot, but you haven't paid for two months and now it already third.''
''I'm so sorry. I got another job so I will pay soon.''
''I know you will pay, but your mother's medications are expensive. If hospital director finds out what's going on, he will say that you need to take your mother home.''
''I know. I sincerely apologize. I will fix this soon.''
''Here are the bills.''

Doctor left her papers and my eyes widened at the numbers so were hers. Her bottom lips trembled like she was holding back tears. Why every problem fell on my babygirl?

''It will be okay.'' I pulled her to my chest.
''Where will I find this money? And there will be more costs.'' She sobbed.

Idea clicked in my head and maybe she will agree to this. She has no way out anyway.
''I will help you.'' She moved from my chest and wiped her tears.
''I don't want your help. It's already kind enough of you that you're giving me my payment.''
''I haven't said you won't give me anything in return.'' I smirked as I looked at her confused face.

''What do you mean?''
''Do you want me to help you or not? But you need to give me something in return.''
''What will that be?''
''Answer my question from before.'' She was thinking for awhile before answering sternly which brought smile to my face.


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