Chapter 27

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Anita's POV

I woke up cold. I snuggled closer in Vince's bare chest. It's been a month since I got out of the hospital. We did "it" again, yesterday.

He was so rough unlike our first time. My whole body is sore. Purple marks are all over my stomach and legs. He put his arm around me and started caressing my back with his hand.

He slowly opened his eyes and gave me small smile. He pressed his lips on mine and closed his eyes again.
''Morning, baby!'' He said huskily.
''Good morning!'' I smiled.

''You should get up for work.'' I said caressing his hair. He hummed in response and kissed my cheek. I blushed red when he picked me up from the bed.

We showered together. My legs were wobbly but after shower I relaxed. We got dressed as he went to his company. I made my way to Ricardo's room. He started stirring in his crib.

Before he started crying I picked him up. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I smiled at him and patted his bum.
''Are you awake, my little prince?'' I said in baby voice.

I changed his diaper and dressed him in blue onesie with banana print. That is my favourite onesie he has and I personally bought it for him. I wanted to take a walk with him today and planned on visiting Vince in his company and my ex-coworkers.

I went downstairs and made him formula and a toast for me. I lost all the weight I gained during pregnancy. It's not that I'm complaining. Ricardo is already 9 pounds big and I'm happy that he is growing healthy.

When we finished, I went in my room with him. I laid with him on a bed. I can't get enough of his scent. My baby boy is almost two months. I can't believe how much time passed by with him. He is growing so fast and I'm afraid that time is passing by much faster with him.

I want him to stay like this forever. I want to pamper him like a baby forever, but I also want to be with him through his childhood. I want to be with him through every problem and happiness. He is so little and doesn't understand how much he's been through since his birth.

I leaned down and kissed his forehead as he looked at me curiously.
''What's so interesting?'' I asked him in baby voice. His lips quirked upwards making me smile.

I enjoyed some time with him and decided to go out. I put my sneakers on and placed blanket in his carriage and put him in. I covered him with another one. I put the pacifer in his mouth as he was falling asleep again.

I exited the house and locked it on my way. I was walking down the sidewalk. There were not so many people in this part of a city. I headed to his company. Ricardo was already asleep in the carriage.

Everybody was shocked to see me and on top of that with a baby. Monica hugged me immediately. She was surprised to see me as a mother, but she was happy about the baby. I took the elevator towards his office.

I knocked on his door once and opened the door not waiting for response.
''What are you doing, Vince?'' I said my bottom lip trembling. He snapped his head to me and widened his eyes.

Blondie that was sitting on his lap, smirked as she looked at me.
''Baby, it's not what it looks like, I swear.'' He pushed the girl down.
''I'm not your baby and have fun.'' I said and slammed the door shut.

I took the elevator before he could reach me and got out of the building. How could he cheat after last night? Ricardo as he could sense my discomfort, started crying. I took him from the carriage and rocked him slowly until he calmed down.

I arrived home in no time because I was so angry and hurt. I placed Ricardo  in his crib as I went to pack our stuff. I'm going back to my house, because I really don't want to see his face. And I'm taking my son with me.

I packed one suitcase with mine and Ricardo's stuff. I put everything I needed for him. We won't stay with his disgusting father who only pretended to be good when in reality he can't let go of being a player.

I thought he changed on better. But I was wrong. When he got opportunity to be with others, he took it. I'm so disappointed and hurt.

I heard front door slamming shut. He probably arrived after I escaped him. I closed the suitcase and called a cab before he came. I heard heavy footsteps  approaching Ricardo's room where I was.

''What do you think you're doing?'' He said standing there on a doorway.
''We're leaving.''
''You're not going anywhere. And my son is staying here where he belongs.''
''I don't want to leave him with you. And I'm his mother.'' I fought back.

''We had a deal.'' He said.
''And that deal is now broken.'' I took my credit card out of my pocket and threw it at him.
''Here is your money. I don't want it and I'll repay you what I spent on my mother. But we're leaving.''

''You're not fair.''
''Fair? You cheated with other girl as soon as you stepped out of the house.'' I yelled. My frustration was finally showing.
''I didn't cheat. We're not in a relationship anyway.''

I stared at him shocked and slapped him. Was everything we shared a lie? He didn't even like me in first place. But he is right in some way. We were never in relationship, at least confirmed.

''You're right. We're not or we'll ever be. And that's why I'm leaving and taking my son with me. We have no other relations other than being a parents to him.'' I said everything while having a big urge to cry.

I took Ricardo from his crib and pulled my suitcase with me. He was sleeping peacefully in my chest as I brushed past him. I felt the need to throw up everything because I have been feeling so sick of him.

I entered the cab that was waiting for me in front of the house. I told him the address to my old house. My baby boy didn't deserve this. Vince has to repent for his mistake.

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