Chapter 17

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Anita's POV

I fluttered my eyes open and sun blinded my sight immediately. I was feeling warm as I snuggled closer. Vince was spooning me and keeping our hands on my big bump.

It honestly got really big since I'm already six months along. Three more months and my baby boy is going to be in my arms. I can't wait when I'm going to hold him and pamper him how much I want to.

I snapped out of my thoughts about my son when I felt soft lips on my cheek. My face heated up right away when Vince kissed my cheek. I turned a little to look at him and smiled. And his smile is definitely God's gift.

''Did you sleep well?'' I nodded my head at his question.
''No waking up because of a thunder?''
''Nope.'' I shook my head. He smiled and kissed my cheek lingering a bit. I love how he kisses me so tenderly.

We both got up from bed and he went to his room. I showered and got dressed. I picked out oversized sweater and warm leggings. It's been cold lately so I dress more warmer than I would because of a baby.

I went downstairs and made us casual breakfast. He, too, came downstairs and started eating with me. I started cooking more food because Vince eats like a pig and I'm eating more because of the baby. I also have a lot of protein and vitamin intake.

''Do you want to go somewhere?'' He asked me once we finished. I looked at him confused.
''Where will we go?'' I ask, curiously.
''I don't know. We can go to the park, beach—'' I cut him off.
''Beach. Definitely beach.'' I grinned and clapped excitedly. He chuckled and helped me to put dirty dishes in the sink.

''Okay then. Take a jacket and warm shoes.'' He warned as we went to our rooms.

I picked a jacket from the closet and wore my warmest sneakers because we will walk. I put my phone in the pocket and went outside of the room. He stood in front of my door in black jeans and his huge jacket. I think that jacket would reach my ankles.

''Let's go. Do you want to walk or drive to the beach?''
''Walk. It's only ten minutes anyway.'' I shrugged.

We locked the house and Vince took my hand, intertwining our fingers. I was all fuzzy with his gesture but pressed my fingers against the back of his hand. It felt so nice to hold his hand and it fits perfectly even if his hand is huge.

While we were walking, people were giving us confused stares. And girls were the worst. They looked at me like I'm most disgusting human being on this planet. To make their jealously worse, Vince kissed my cheek in front of every girl who stared.

When we arrived at the beach, the sight in front of me was fabulous. Water was crashing against the coast and sky way crystal clear. It was a little bit windy tho. I was in awe for a few minutes when arms sneaked around my waist.

Vince stood behind me and gently caressed my bump then kissed the crown of my head. I leaned in his body and put my hand on his.

''Are you cold, baby?'' He asked.
''I'm okay.''
''Tell me if you're cold. I don't want you to get sick.'' He said.
''I'm fine and I won't get sick. It's really nice here.'' I replied changing the subject.

''I agree. It's really peaceful and that's why I come here sometimes.'' I hummed as we stayed in comfortable silence. We started walking alongside the coast, watching waves.

It was really nice to be here with the person you love. Air is also nice and fresh. Everything is perfect here. I would literally sleep here under the stars while it's summer.

We walked for awhile and I enjoyed every step we took. I loved how he wasn't letting my hand away. Our son is really heavy in my stomach.

Suddenly, I heard a buzz in my pocket. I reached for my phone and saw that I got a message from my mom's doctor.

''Miss Lopez, please come to the hospital now.'' I was confused and worried that something happened regarding my mom. What's this feeling?

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