Chapter 62

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I look out the large window on the train once again except this time my life is completely different. Jacob, Chrissy, and Miles have all been in my life and I'll never be the same, not after him—not after Miles. 

I've hurt everyone in my life and now Miles has done the same to me. I know I don't have a right to be mad at him but I still am.

"Tea miss?" an older man asks and I nod. I'm glad I somehow managed to catch a late-night train after waiting at the stop for a few hours, but anything was better than going back there; back into the empty and dark room where Miles will eventually find me. 

The older man returns with a cup of tea and sugar. I pay him and give him a small smile before he leaves. As I stare out the window a few tears threaten to spill but I blink them away.

The dark sky looks back at me, the grey clouds and tall scary trees in the distance all stupidly remind me of him. There's something about the night and the darkness that screams his name. Before my mind can understand what's happening, my hands drag the dark blue blinds over the large window, leaving only a sliver of the window uncovered at the very end of my feet.

Me: "I'm coming home, meet me at the train station?"

Jace: "Is everything okay?"

Me: "Yeah I just missed you and mom."

Jace: "I'll be there."

I smile at the message before turning off my phone and resting it on the chair next to me. "Can I get a blanket?" I ask the kind man and he nods.

"Sure." Since I'm only arriving in the morning I might as well sleep, I haven't slept since everything happened and the few naps I've taken haven't helped. 

My phone starts to buzz with a call from Miles and I can't help but swipe my finger across to screen to answer the call. I put the phone next to my ear and listen to his breathing.

"Madison?" he asks, his voice soft yet raspy. Before he can say anything else I quickly press the red button. 

I can't listen to the way he's so desperately asking me to talk to him. My stomach starts turning and the butterflies slowly settle down at the bottom of my stomach as I look out of the only sliver I can see of the window. 

With the comfortable pillow and soft blanket I fall asleep almost instantly, waking up a few times with coughs and sneezes of other passengers but a particular cough wakes me up completely.

"Madison." Jacob lights up.

"Oh, Jacob."

"I'm here." He says, brushing his fingers over my cheek.

"You don't have bruises anymore." I smile at him and he nods.

"I've hurt you so deeply, and I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was doing—" he stops me with a bright smile.

"It's okay babe, you didn't hurt me . . . none of that happened yet." He says and I take a few deep breaths before really waking up this time.

"You okay Ma'am?" an old lady asks and I nod.

"Yeah, sorry." I smile before catching my breath. The sun starts to rise, bringing with it bright and beautiful colors that mix with the blue of the sky. 

The train stop and I step out and with a few minutes of walking, I'm back where Jace first dropped me off. I look around before finally spotting a figure in the distance riding a motorcycle and the tears start to run. The figure approaches closer before stopping close by.

"Madison," Jace yells and the tears start to flow with no stop.

"Jace." I sob before running towards him and unknowingly jumping into his arms. He hugs me tight and my eyes wet his shoulder.

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