Chapter 82

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My head is aching and I can still hear screams and sounds of ambulance around me even though I know I'm not in the car anymore. 

I open my swollen eyes slowly, looking around the dark room. The small blue door is closer and the floor is still a familiar green-blue color. Something heavy is placed on my thighs and I try to move my head enough to tilt it down with pain rushing through me.

"Miles?" I whisper looking at the black mop of hair. He looks at me, his eyes dull and tired. I smile at him and he parts his dry lips before moving his bloody hands to move away his dark hair.

"Didn't they help you?" I ask, looking at all of the cuts on his hands. He gives me a smile and shakes his head.

"I don't need help." He says and I want to let out a giggle but it's too painful.

"I'm so sorry, Madison." He says but something about the look in his eyes tells me he's sorry about more than the car accident.

"It's okay," I whisper, my throat dry.

"Can I get you water?" he jumps and I nod. He's acting too frantic to be the usual Miles I see around.

"I'll be right back." He says and before I can say anything, he rushes out the door. I gulp down the dryness in my throat before looking over at the window beside me, it's dark outside and the rain is smashing itself against the window. 

I wanted to cry last night at the things Jacob told me and now, I want to know the full story even if it has to be behind Mies's back. 

Everything that I've noticed since I started college, those rings, Miles being called 'king', Jacob's parents knowing about something between him and Miles, Stephanie trying to warn me about something, Miles and his secrecy with his friends at that party after Jacob gave me my iPhone and endless other questions, all of it needs to be answered. 

If I want to be with Miles I need to know, I need to know what he's hiding and this accident has reminded me just how important it is. I can't be dragged around like this, getting hurt, getting into dangerous situations, I need to know.

"Here's your water." Miles smiles, his trembling fingers holding tightly onto the cup in his hands. My phone buzzes beside me and I quickly pick it up.

Jacob: "I called the hospital and I know you're awake. There's a party tonight, you need to show . . . I need to tell you something, it's time to confess. Don't let him stop you from the truth."

Madison: "I'll be there."

"I talked to the doctor, you're healing really good and you should be able to leave by lunchtime." Miles enters the room and I nod.

"You need to get all of these wounds taken care of," I say and he nods.

"I will, but now, I need to take care of you, this is all my fault and the pain only reminds me how badly I fucked up." He says and I part my lips to speak but he stops me with a squeeze of my hand.

"Can I stay with you?" he asks and I nod, making space for him in my bed. He's much taller than me and for some reason, I feel the most at peace right here with him. 

His cologne gives me comfort especially when it's on his hot neck. I can't get enough of him. I rest my head on his warm shoulder and look up at him.

"Make me a promise, Madison. Promise me . . ." he looks at me before continuing.

"Promise me you'll stay with me, no matter what." his hazel eyes say and I nod.

"I promise," I say and she gives me a small smile before leaning down to kiss my lips. My head still hurts, but I feel much better than I did and all I want to do is forget the pain and injury I went through.

"YOU'RE READY to go." I wake up and look at the doctor standing in my dorm. I give him a smile before I sit up in the small white bed. The bloody sheets have been changed, leaving no sign of Miles ever being here.

"Wasn't there—"

"He left about an hour ago." The doctor informs me before giving me a smile and looking down at the report in his hands. I nod, my smile disappearing slowly. Why would he leave?

The doctor helps me stand up and I feel much better than I did twenty-four hours. I walk towards the front desk after getting dressed in my bloody clothes. I need to hurry home and get changed into something cleaner.

"Madison, correct?" A nurse at the front desk asks and I nod.

"The medical bills have been paid for, you're good to go."

"Even the ambulance and the—"

"Yup, the four-thousand dollars have been paid." The nurse smiles and I thank her before heading out towards the door. The only thing on my mind is Miles and how I can't let him pay for everything and especially not something this expensive. 

My heart starts to pound as I walk outside, for some reason I'm reminded of the car accident and it doesn't help when I see Stephanie in a red car.

"Hey girl!" she says out of the window before gesturing for me to come closer.

"Get in." She smiles and rolls the window back up. I sit down next to her and my heart starts to pound even more.

"Miles asked me to pick you up." She says and I nod with a deep breath.

"Why didn't he come?" I ask, my voice frantic at the drive ahead.

"He said he had to take care of something." She shugs and I nod before she steps on the gas harshly.

"Maybe not so harshly!" I say louder than intended.

"Oh sorry." She giggles before slowing down and easing the knots in my stomach.

"How are you feeling? You're coming to the party tonight, right?" she asks.

"Party?" I ask but as soon as I do, I'm reminded.

"Yeah, there's a huge party tonight, the whole school is attending, it's once a year" she explains with a smile, and I nod at her.

As soon as I get back into my dorm, Stephanie rushes off to her class while I, walk slowly towards mine. The last thing on my mind is Mr. Stafford's test, but as I've heard from Stephanie, no one cares about college students. I've asked the principal to change the exam date, but with no luck she refused. And now, even with my traumatized head, I'm forced to take the test I didn't study for.

"Madison." Mr. Stafford says, handing me that white sheet of paper that I've been dreaming. Only a few students are scattered in the room which I'm thankful for. I figured I'd be all alone in this big room with a red carpet. I lay my bag down on a chair in the middle of the classroom before sitting down next to it. 

I take a breath, the professor sets the time and I'm forced to look down at the sheet of paper in front of me along with the rest of my classroom. I take a few minutes to answer the first questions before stumbling on the last one. 

'Write about the pain in your life.' I gulp before scribbling down everything I can remember about my father leaving that day.

After what feels like two hours I finally hand in the white sheet of paper and rush out of the class. If I'm going to make it in time, I need to get ready—I need to be there.

Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story, I wanted to remind you to follow me if you aren't already, I sometimes post special updates about my books and I don't want you to miss out <3 and as always, tell me what you guys think! 

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