The Nogitsune

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*Note* This is my first book, so if I write to much or not enough on a chapter just let me know :)

"Stiles, what the hell is a nogitsune and what did it do to Oliver, he is more crazy then usual." I had never seen Malia this worried she not only looked worried for herself she looked worried for us too.

I think she knew more then she was letting on about Stiles and the nogitsune.

Stiles didn't want Malia getting hurt but some how he was holding back knowledge about how to save her.

"Oliver just calm down! What does he want from me I'll do it just leave them alone!" Stiles asked fidgeting in his ropes.

"What do you think we want Stiles, we want you." A raspy voice called out, we all got shocked because to our knowledge no one, besides us, had entered the basement all afternoon.

"Let us in Stiles, its that easy, if you let us in, we might consider not hurting your friends." Out from the shadows appeared this man shaped creature all wrapped up in cloth like a burn victim.

I looked over at Malia to see how she was holding up she looked totally terrified, but looked back at me and nodded as if to say 'you ok?'

I nodded back, and started trying to talk Oliver out of hurting Malia while Stiles was occupied with fighting off this demon like creature.

"Oliver don't please." Oliver stopped where he was and looked up at me, his eyes were kind of hazy like he was sick.

Stiles closed his eyes and looked frustrated, trying to stop this unknown creature from tormenting him.

"Let! Us! In! Stiles!" was the last thing the creature said before Oliver passed out and Stiles opened his eyes.

"Stiles are you ok?" Malia said, worry filling her voice.

Stiles quickly broke the ties around his wrists and stood up.


Stiles eyes met Malia's, he smiled at her with an evil grin and started to walk out, but while passing me his eyes locked with mine and just for a minute I saw a look of concern on his face.

He said, "You're going to be useful to me," before he left the basement and Eichen for good.


About a hour later Oliver started to wake up from being knocked out.

"What happened?"

"You happened idiot, you almost killed me! Not to mention you led a demon right to Stiles!" Malia said frustrated.

"Calm down Malia I don't think Oliver had any control over what he was doing."

"I don't care what he didn't have control over he seems to have enough control to untie me!!"

Oliver untied us and we went up to me and Malia's room to discuss our next move.

"Look whatever happened down there I think you know more then your telling us Malia." I said, if we were going to help Stiles we were going to need to know the full story.

Malia looked towards Oliver and back to me, she definitely knew something more.

"I might, but I'm not saying anything while he is around." Malia said pointing a finger at Oliver, "After the stunt he pulled today I'm definitely not trusting him with any information."

"Ok, ok I'll talk to him."

I walked over to Oliver it wasn't going to be to hard to tell him nothing is going on because he doesn't remember what happened down in the basement.

"Look Oliver, me and Malia are going to have a talk and it's not anything important just some girl stuff, so she kind of doesn't want you around to hear anything." It hurt not to let Oliver in on what was going on but it was the only way.

Oliver looked back at me, suspiciously, but he trusted me enough that if there was something he needed to know, I would tell him.

"I get it, it's about time I head to my room anyways."

"Alright goodnight Oliver, cya tomorrow."

"Goodnight y/n." Oliver said walking out of the room.

I walked back in to the room and closed the door behind me.

"Alright tell me everything we need to know to save Stiles." I said hopping on the bed next to where Malia was sitting.


After a while of Malia telling me about Stiles and his friends and about the Japanese fox spirit that was trying to control his mind, I had a few questions.

"Wait so his friend.. Scott? He is a werewolf?"

"Yeah I know its crazy, not to mention banshees and kitsunes, I knew there was more people out there like me, I just didn't know that there was so much." Malia looked surprisingly happy to know she wasn't the only supernatural out there, I think a part of me always knew there had to be more like her.

"If we are going to save Stiles I think we should go to the people who know him best."

"Wait... you're not think about going to Beacon Hills High and finding Scott are you?

"Malia that's exactly what I'm thinking and I think I know the best way out of here."



sorry this chapter was shorter then usual also if your wondering when Stiles and y/n will get together don't worry they will soon, I just have to get through all the basics first

thanks for reading ;)

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