Beacon Hills High

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My plan was simple, all we had to do was find the Eichen worker who also knew about the supernatural and just happened to have worked at Beacon Hills High in the past.

Ms. Morrell her name was, and she might just let us out and help us get to Scott.

I woke up when the breakfast alarm rung, today was hopefully my last day at Eichen and I still haven't found a way to tell Oliver.

To be honest I was scared I would lose him, but yesterday was my seven year mark he had to know my time to leave was coming soon.

Malia broke my train of thought," Y/n you ready? I set our appointment with Ms. Morrell after breakfast."

"What! After breakfast? I still haven't told Oliver that I'm leaving."

"Oh girl... that sounds like a you problem." I looked at Malia and rolled my eyes. "What I'm hungry, and listen, I could go tell him for you it would be short and sweet, well I don't know much about the sweet part, but it would definitely be short."

"Thanks Malia but I think it's best it I told him."

"Yeah it's probably best that way, and you can tell him bye for me too."

I think Malia will somehow miss Oliver, I mean she is always arguing with him but I think that helps her get out her anger, and she has a lot.


When we got to the cafeteria I saw Oliver sitting by the water fountains. All of a sudden I got very nervous and sad. Somewhere deep inside me I think I knew I might never see him again.

"Hey Oliver can I sit."

"Yeah sure y/n, what's wrong it looks like you've got something on your mind?" Dang this is going to be a lot harder then I thought, I forgot how nice he was.

"Look Oliver I have some bad but exciting news."

"Yeah sure what is it." He looked at me with innocent eyes, they made me sick in a good nervous type of way. Like when you've waited for years to go on a big roller coaster but get really scared when you actually get on the ride.

"If things go to plan me and Malia... well me and Malia will be leaving Eichen today, for good." I said the words, I put them out there now it was his turn to respond.

"Wow... that's just so good for you guys, really really sad, I mean what will I do here without you. But all in all I'm happy for you two, mostly you, actually just you. I don't think Malia is at all ready to leave."

"Ha, yeah I guess being here seven years makes you sane enough for the world, I'm really going to miss you Oliver."

"Yeah I'm going to miss you too, but you deserve to be out there."

We hugged and then the bell went off, breakfast was over and it was time to talk to Ms. Morrell and the last time I would see Oliver.


Malia was waiting for me outside Morrell's office, when we walked in Morrell wasn't there so we decided to sit and wait for her to come.

When she got there we explained the whole situation and surprisingly she believed us, she said she had an encounter with Stiles when he was at Eichen and she knew it was best if we went and helped him.

Not only did she tell us how to find Scott, she told us all about him and his friends, we were pretty prepared to find him.

And with that we left Eichen and joined the real world.


When we got to Beacon Hills High we found out Ms. Morrell left a good word for us and we were already accepted in as students.

Tomorrow was our first day.

6:30 (tomorrow morning)

"Rise and shine sleepy head" I called out to Malia from the kitchen of our tiny apartment we were able to afford with a little help from Morrell.

"10 more minutes."

"Nope get up now or we'll be late, plus I made chocolate chip pancakes and sausage!"

"Sausage?!?!?" Malia was up and out of bed before I even finished the word. "I've got a good sense of smell." She smiled at me.

Ten minutes later we left the apartment and walked to school.

"Ok our first mission is to find Scott, and then find cute guys." Malia smiled.

"What? Cute guys I though you were with Stiles?"

"Oh no, I had been a coyote for seven years all I wanted from Stiles was something spicy. He's not the one for me." For some reason when she said this I got a little excited, but I couldn't focus on my relationships now I was here to save Stiles not date him.


At lunch we found Scott sitting with a group of teens on a picnic table outside. Malia had a pretty good memory of what he looked like from the first time they met.

"Scott McCall!" Malia shouted

"Malia? What are you doing here?" Scott said shocked.

"Same as you going to school-"

I interrupted her, "We're here to help you save Stiles."

"And what do they call you?" A strawberry blonde haired girl said to me.

"Her name is y/n." Malia growled at her.

"Did you say you where here to save Stiles?" A dark haired girl with a teal and black poka-dotted dress asked.

"Yeah we are and who are you?" Malia questioned.

"I'm Allison, Allison Argent."

"Argent like the famous werewolf hunters." I asked.

"How did you know about that?" Scott asked. I had heard about them from a girl in Eichen, who clamed she had been caught and sent to Eichen because of them.

"There's a lot we have to tell you." I said.

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