The Fight

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"Y/N?" I heard Stiles scream echoing through the tunnels. I opened my mouth getting ready to respond when Void threw his hand over my mouth. He wrapped his other arm around me and busted open the locked gate behind me.

We entered a dark circular room. Void threw me to the ground and walked back out the gate we entered through.

"No hard feelings I hope, I'm only doing what is best for you." He said locking the gate.

I ran up to it and shook it, "Void let me out of here!" He turned around walked back the way we came, "Don't hurt them Void!" He was gone.

There was a second way out a dark tunnel leading to another gate, which looked out onto the entrance.

It wasn't going to move, I saw Stiles's jeep and heard some yelling, it sounded like all the pack was there.

The fight had begun.

I had to get to them before Void did.

I searched around the small cave for anything to pry the gate opened with. To my dismay there was nothing, just damp walls and two unmovable gates.

"Ok you are a supernatural being with supernatural powers, just break free." I told myself.

Easier said then done. I heard Void's voice say in my head, I used my powers before, but that was to save my live and Corey's. It was different now, almost like the situation didn't seem dangerous enough.

But I knew it was, someone could get seriously hurt, Void didn't care about safety.


Void was trying to keep me safe.

That's why I was here, not to keep me out of the fight, but to keep me from getting injured.

"Void!" I screamed. "I know why I'm here! If you really think I'm safe in here you're wrong!"

I looked at the stone walls. "Well here goes..." I walked up to the wall.

I took a deep breath and smashed my head against it.

Damn. This better work.

I heard foot steps coming, my head was busted and bleeding everywhere.

"Shit y/n." Void said opening the gate. I quickly ran past him out the gate and shut it behind me.

"Oops." I said locking the gate.

"Y/n!" He screamed, "Let me out of here,"

"Sorry, I have to go help my friends-" My head was bounding but it had all worked to my plan.

"You won't even make it there." He took a small knife out of his pocket and slammed it into his stomach.

I quickly felt pain rush through me, the knife was in him but it was only hurting me.

"Void..." I said straining with pain. "What the..."

"Yeah, I had to link your life to mine for an insurance plan, sorry it had to be you." He said with a fake frown. "Stiles was a fun distraction but you're the one who is a threat to my life."

I got up to my feet and started running towards the exits. As I ran I felt more pain, he must be inflecting more upon himself.

I saw the exist in front of me and ran to it stumbling over myself.

"Stiles!" I yelled as loud as I could under all the pain. I saw him in front of Eichen, he was running towards me now.

"Y/n!" He caught me in his arms as I fell to the ground. "What's happening?" He looked down at my injuries that seemed to be popping out of no where.

"It's Void..." I said weakly. "He linked his life to mine."

"Oh my gosh, he's killing you." Stiles said hopping to his feet with me in his arms, "I have to get you out of here."

"It's not going to help..." I started, but Stiles didn't care. He was taking me to his jeep. He sat me down inside and looked back at me.

"You're going to be fine, ok? I'm going to find him and stop him." He ran off leaving me in the jeep.

"Stiles no!" I called out after him, I tried pulling myself up but the pain was to much, every second it got worse.

I was totally helpless and Stiles had just gone to fight Void empty handed. He couldn't hurt him or it would just hurt me, what was he going to do?

After what seemed to be forever Lydia came over to me and hopped in the car.

"We have to get out of here, ok y/n?" She said looking towards me.

"But what about Stiles?"

"He's is fine, I'll explain later." She had a glass jar in her lap, a small firefly was buzzing around in it.

"Is that-"

"Yes." Lydia responded without letting me ask the full question, "And we have to get rid of it." She said starting up the car and driving away.

She drove into a small clearing in the woods, it was by this time I had realized I wasn't in anymore pain, probably because the nogitsune was a small bug now.

But for some reason it all felt too easy. I couldn't put my finger on what felt wrong.

Maybe that was how it was supposed to feel, I mean I had never fought off the supernatural before, maybe it always felt like this.

Lydia handed me the jar, breaking my train of thought.

"Come on we have to bury this." She said stopping the car in front of a huge tree stump.

"Does this feel right to you? I mean you've fought more supernatural them me, how is this supposed to feel?" I asked her.

"You were just linked to a supernatural being, it's going to take a while to feel normal again."

Chaos Has Come Again // Stiles Stilinski (Void)Where stories live. Discover now