Chapter 19

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A/N: *Trigger Warning* this chapter contains rape and violence.


~General Point of View Change – Goddric and Asami ~

Asami pace the room for about the thousandth time. "Pacing isn't going to help." Goddric said to him as he looked up from the map where his and Nate where marking off area's that the pack had cleared. "Why don't you sit down and try to reach out to him through the bond. We can feel him now, its weak but its there." He told Asami. "Yeah,you're right. I'll try." Asami said as he sat down on one of the sofa's in the office. He closed his eye's and opened his mind. He concentrated on reaching to Rayn's mind. After several minutes he cussed. "I can't find it, all I can feel is pain, and not just a little bit." Growls of anger and frustration filled the small office. "I know I can feel that too, but keep trying." Goddric encouraged him. With a curt nod Asami tried again. "Rayn?"He called and nearly jumped for joy when he got a faint response. "I got him!" Asami cried being careful not to lose the faint connection. Goddric and Nate both stopped what they were doing and came over to him. "Asami is that really you?" Rayn's mental voice was strained. "Yes Love its me. Are you okay?""No, they beat me and raped me." Rayn cried. Asami growled in pure unfiltered rage. "Where are you Love? We are trying to find you." "I don't know. I am locked in a small room." "Is there a window? Can you see out it?" Asami felt the connection waver."Stay with me Love." "I. I can't move, to much pain."Rayn's mental voice sounded weaker by the second. "Rico"Asami heard the name. "Rico? Is that who has you?" "No..Paul..Rico... help... he ... will come.. few days..." Asami cussed as the connection dropped and he could no longer reach Rayn. "What did he say, do you know where he is? Is he okay?" Goddric asked him as soon as Asami's eye's opened.

The look on Asami's face told them it wasn't good. "He doesn't know where he is. The only thing he knows is he is locked in a small room.He said they beat and raped him." He spat, he was struggling to keep his wolf from taking over. "They? They who?" Nate growled."He said Paul." "Fuck, I should have know!" Nate interrupted,guilt and rage coated his voice. "He also said someone named Rico would come in a few days, but I don't know what he meant as the connection dropped." Asami was still struggling to keep his wolf in. Goddric could feel how close to the surface Ryou, Asami's wolf,was and he pulled him into an embrace. "The connection was so weak.He has to be several hours, if not miles away." Asami told them grimly. "I'll let the search parties know to start looking beyond our boarders." Nate informed him as he walked back over to his desk. Both Asami and Goddric stood there embracing each other for several long minutes. "Who is Rico? Is he one of your pack members?" Goddric asked after a while. "Not that I am aware of?Could be one of his buddies. Paul doesn't live on pack lands."Nate's before telling them to go get some rest. It had been almost twelve hours since they had last seen Rayn and it was obviously wearing the out. They first refused, but after Nate's instance they reluctantly agreed.

Asami woke up suddenly gasping as an intense wave of pain shot threw him.He looked over to Goddric and saw that he also felt it. "They are hurting him!" Asami cried. "I know, we are going to find him soon and then never let him leave are sides again. I promise." Goddric tried to reassure him. They had been feeling the waves of fear and pain from their mate since yesterday evening and it was killing them.If he had been on pack lands they would have found him by now.However it was clear he was quite far way, and the longer he was away from them they harder it was to control their emotions. As it was Ryou was pushing to be let free and it honestly had surprised him how much control Asami had. A lesser wolf would have shifted and gone wild with rage by now. He would have swelled with pride if it wasn't for the situation being what it was. He couldn't really say much himself. He had been pushing back the need to start ripping throats out and draining the people around him. He knew this wouldn't help and his mate was already terrified, him showing up lost in blood and rage induced madness would only make things worse.

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