Chapter 21

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~ General Point of View Change – Asami and Goddric ~

As we pulled up the the ranch still home we could smell our mates scent coming from inside. Rico had been telling the truth and for that we were grateful. Through our bond we could feel that our mate was in pain and terrified. The need to bust in there almost overwhelmed us both, but Rico had stopped us. He told us that it was likely that he was abusing our mate as we spoke and busting in there was not a good ideal because Rayn would be in his arms, leaving us at his mercy or worse killing Rayn. "So here's the plan I will go inside and see what's going on. If Rayn isn't with him I will signal you immediately, if he is, bare with me and once Rayn is safe I will lure him out. Do not do anything until then. Paul is crazy and I doubt he would have a second thought about killing him." Rico told us. It was hard to just stand by when our mate was right there, but he was right. Rayn's safety was most important and from what he had told us about Paul, there was no doubt he would kill Rayn if we just busted in. We nod and watched as Rico walk up the front porch and inside.Both we both held are breath while Nate and his pack members circled the house. If he tried to run he would have no where to go.

As we waited we suddenly heard yelling and what sounded like things crashing and breaking sounds from the house. We all rushed towards the door, but before we got to the porch Rico burst cradling our mate protectively, when he seen us at the porch he launched himself toward us, hitting the ground in a way that protected Rayn from the impact. We could heard Paul shouting, "Get back here you bastard, that fucking slut is mine!" A moment later Paul exited the house, when he seen us he burst into a deranged laughter. "Well well well. Looks like the my little fuck toy's 'mates' have come to try and take him back." More deranged laughter. Asami was already at Rico and Rayn's side checking on him and reassuring him that we were here. "I got him, amigo. You deal with Paul." Rico told him. Asami nodded and looked over his mate in Rico's arms. Goddric felt Asami's rage, which mirrored his own, and he watched as Asami gave control over to Ryou. In a blink of an eye Asami had shifted and was not stalking towards Paul. "What? You really want him back? You're kidding right? Why would anyone want him, he's nothing more then a hole to fuck." Paul laughed out, everyone on this side of the house growled. "That is the last time you will ever say anything like that about our mate." Goddric snarled the launched himself at Paul.

Paul rolled out of Goddric's way and landed on the ground just below the porch. Shifting into a dirty brown wolf. He was larger then some of Nate's warriors, but in comparison to Asami he was roughly a foot,foot in a half, shorter. He attempted to run, but was stopped by the warriors. "Where do you think you are running too? Why not be a man for once and fight us." Goddric was rewarded with a snarl from Paul. "You kidnap and then abuse our mate for days. Then when we find you, you try to run away. So tell me, who's actually the little bitch here?" Goddric goaded him. Paul obviously not wanted to be seen a bitch turned and lounged at Goddric. However Asami slammed into his side just inches away from Goddric. Before he could recover fully Goddric have rushed him and landed a punch onto Paul's snout. A whimper of pain escaped of Paul, but was quickly covered by a howl. "Calling for back up?" Nate smirked. "Don't bother. We already dealt with your 'pack'." Nate emphasized the word pack, because in all honesty it was more a gang of idiots then a pack. Goddric laughed and Asami made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a laugh at Nate's comment.

~General Point of View Change – Rayn ~

Rayn lay pinned to the floor. Paul had slammed him down after Rayn attempted to pull away from him. He had been trying to get him to swallow some type of drug. He could, for the most part, put up with them beating and raping him, be he would rather die then be forced to take drugs ever again. Rick would force drugs down his throat anytime he pleased. They fact that it had never killed him was a miracle in itself, but the withdrawals were so much worse. There was no way he was taking them without a fight. After several minutes of fighting, Paul's anger got the better of him at that is when he was slammed down. "You fucking slut. You should have just swallowed the pills." Paul spat in his face while choking him. He tried to push and pull Paul's hands from his neck so he could breath. "You like that you fucking bitch. Can't breath can you?" Paul taunted, then relaxed his hands allowing Rayn gasped, taking a choking breath. Only to have Paul tighten them back up again. He did this several times all the while deranged laughter rolled from Paul's lips. His lungs burned with the need for air, but Paul kept squeezing. Just as Rayn thought this was when he was going to die Paul was no longer their.He gasped and choked trying to breath and get the oxygen his lungs desperately needed. His vision was unfocused, there was a loud crashing sound and then he was being lifted from the floor. He tried to struggle weakly until Rico's voice entered his ears. "It's me Rayn! We are getting out of here." Rayn winced from the pain as Rico ran from the house. Paul yelling and swearing as he got to his feet and gave chase.

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