Chapter 9

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*General Point of View Change – Rayn *

Rayn woke up to being snuggled between Goddric and Asami and for the first time in so many years he felt safe, wanted and most important loved. It was amazing but there was still fear. The fear of losing this happiness.What if after a while they realize he is worthless, broken and too much trouble. "No I need to stop thinking like this, they have only showed you concern and compassion!" He scolded himself. He knew that it was true, since he had met them they have only been good to him. They saved him from the bastard that tried to rape him, they held him when he broke down, and last night they not only showed him he was loved but they even mated with him. "Good morning little one did you sleep well?" Rayn who was fighting himself in his head heard Goddric ask and looked up to see him sleepily watching him. "I did, you?" Rayn asked sheepishly. He was then pulled into a soft kiss before Goddric replied to him. "I did, want a shower?" "Yes please!" Rayn said with a little to much excitement causing a chuckle from Goddric.

Goddric had gotten out of bed and handed him a change of cloths. "There going to be a little big on you, sorry." was all he said before leave Rayn to shower alone. Rayn was now standing under the spray of the shower.The hot water felt great on his sore body. Sex with them had been amazing. He had been scared, having only experienced sex from being raped all those years, but to his relief it had been amazing. The memories flooded back to him of the first time it had happened. He was only thirteen when his mom's boyfriend Rick attacked him. He and his mom had been drinking and fucking for hours and when his mom passed out he then turned to Rayn. He had tried so hard to fight him off, but the more he struggled the worse it got. By the end of it he was battered and bruised from being slapped, punched and forcefully raped. He had been terrified and that was only the start. It soon became a nightly thing, he had tried telling his mom, but she did nothing. After a few weeks of being raped by him nightly the bastard had started inviting others to rape him. Before he knew it he was being pimped out. He again tried to plead with his mom, but she only looked at him and laughed saying "Its about time you did something useful you worthless piece of shit." He had tried to run away a few times over the next three years, but beatings he got when they found him got worse and worse. He had already stopped going to school in fear of what would happen if the teachers asked to much. At sixteen he had started working at a local bar that his mom's boyfriend frequented. The owner Jeff was in need of someone to help clean so Rick pushed Jeff to hire him. He lived in a backwoods pack town so having a sixteen year old working in a bar didn't draw any attention.Meeting Jeff had been a turning point in Rayn's life.

Rayn was pulled out of his thoughts when a knock on the bathroom door. When he looked up he seen Asami and Goddric standing in the doorway. "You okay love?" Asami asked his cautiously. It seemed the emotions from him being lost in thought had alerted them that something wasn't right."Yes, no... Maybe... I was lost in thought I guess. I don't know."Rayn said as he shut the water off, wrapped a towel around himself and stepped out of the shower. "You know you can rely on us Little one, you aren't alone anymore." Goddric soothed, Asami nodding in agreement. "I know and I really want to tell you about it, but....""You are not ready, we know. When the time comes just know we will not hate or judge you for what happened to you. We want to help you."I know Asami and I will, soon. I promise, just not right now. So um... can I have some privacy.... please." Rayn said the last part was a bit awkward for him. They simply chuckled and left the bathroom to give him his privacy. When they were gone he dried himself off and slipped on the underwear and sweat pants Goddric had given him. They were in fact big on him, but it was better then being naked, though he wagered that they would enjoy him waking around naked. The thought had him giggling to himself. He stepped up to the sick to brush his hair, when he seen the marks on either side of his neck he froze fora moment. He smiled as he touch them tenderly. "I am really theirs. I am really wanted." He said to himself as he slipped on the shirt and exited the bathroom.

Rayn found Goddric and Asami in the kitchen. Goddric had just finished setting down breakfast on the table. "That smell amazing." Rayn stated as he took a seat at the table. One thing Rayn had learned about Goddric was that he was an awesome cook, or so Asami had claimed and so far it was true. They talked a bit over breakfast about their plans for the day. "If it cool with you guys I would like to go to work."Rayn said meekly. "You sure? Its fine with us but you don't need to push yourself. Its been a rough few days." Asami told him. "Oh yeah you were defiantly rough last night." Rayn thought to himself as he sipped some of his coffee. "I am sure. Honestly working on cars has been how I coped with things. It helps me take my mind off things and just be myself." Rayn explain to them. He knew he might have hurt their feeling a bit by admitting it, but it was the truth. "If its what you want to do, then I am share James will be happy to have you back. He was less then pleased when I told him you would be taking some time off." Goddric admitted. "Poor James, goddess love him, but yeah... when I am not there he swears nothing gets done." Rayn laughed.

*General Point of View Change – Asami and Rayn *

Asami had taken Rayn to his apartment so he could change into his own cloths and practically had a heart attack when he entered the place. "This is your apartment?" He asked in disbelief and horror. How could his mate have lived here for the last six months? He didn't even have abed! Let alone the little bit of furniture he did have looked second,if not third hand-me-downs. This simply would not do. "I know its small and crappy, but its all I can afford." Rayn admitted sheepishly. "You do realize that you will not be living here anymore right?" Rayn looked at Asami in disbelief and shock. "What do you.... oh.... oh you mean you want me to live with you guys?"Rayn's face went from shocked confusion to understanding and then embarrassed. "At first we were going to take it slow and let you start by stay over several days a week till you were ready to move in, but after seeing this. There is no way either of us is going to let our mate live here!" Asami stated leaving no room for argument.
"Go get ready for work." Asami said as he pulled out his phone and called Goddric. "Hey Asami, whats up?" "Goddric get some guys from the pack to Rayn's place and start boxing up his stuff. I want him out of the place today." Asami's voice help an angry edge to it. "Why? Whats wrong? I thought we were going to give him time so that he could get more comfortable with us? His he okay?" Concern laced Goddric's voice. "Rayn is fine. I know we agreed to take it slow and let him move in gradually but I can't.There is absolutely no way I am letting him live here a minute longer." "What happened? Its unlike you to be this upset." "Our mate is living in a shit hole of and excuse for an apartment. He doesn't even have a bed Goddric. He's been sleeping on a hand-me-down couch for Goddess sake. I would bet this place doesn't even have hot water. That's how old and rundown it is." "Okay, take a breath. I will get Matt and is wife Lisa over there in a bit. You have to remember he hasn't been here that long, so that was probable the only thing he could afford at the time. However we are here now so calm down." Asami took a deep calming breath, Goddric was right. They had only meet him a short time ago. However, they are in his life now and he may not be one hundred percent comfortable but this shit hole was no longer his home. He was moving in with them today. "I'll talk to you later." Asami said as he ended the call.
Rayn exited the bathroom as Asami was slipping his phone back into his pocket. "Is everything alright?" He asked nervously. "Yes love,I was just talking to Goddric. Listen, we had wanted to give you time to get comfortable with us before we had you move in with us, but after seeing this." Asami gestured around the room. "There is noway in Hell I, or Goddric for that matter, will let you stay here.""But..." Rayn tried to argue. "No buts, you don't even have abed Rayn. Be mad at me if you want, but you are not living here any longer. We have someone coming over to pack your stuff." "Asami please..." "No, Rayn I mean it. You are not living here any more.End of discussion." Asami said in his Alpha voice leaving no room for argument or refusal. Rayn had mixed feelings about it. He was upset that they were making his choice for him, but he was also happy that they cared and wanted him to have a good place to call home.

With a sigh he agreed and they were out the door and on the way to Rayn's work. It was an awkward ride to James garage. It was clear as day that Asami was upset, but he had repeatedly reassured Rayn that he wasn't upset with him. He was upset with the fact that they had no idea he had been living like this right under their noise for the last six months, and that no mate would be able to over look it. It was reassuring, but Rayn still felt like he had upset and disappointed them. Needless to say when they got to his work he was restless with the need to start working on a car. He needed his escape, his time to himself that working on cars gave him.

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