Chapter 5

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A/N: Thank you all for all the love you have been showing my story! It really makes me happy to see the votes! Your support is really helping me and making me want to write more! So here is the next chapter I hope you like it!

*General Point of View Change – Goddric and Asami * 

Amy, the pack doctor, exited the bedroom in which Goddric had laid Rayn in. "I have finished looking over your mate Alpha." "How is he?" Asami asked, concern laced his voice. "From what I can see his is going to be just fine. There was no penetration, broken bones or internal injuries. He will have some bruising on his arms, chest and face, but otherwise there is no new physical injuries." "New injuries!?" Goddric and Asami choked out at the same time. "Yes, I observed a number of scars covering several parts of his body. Of course the most noticeable one is on his face, but I also found them on his back, arms, legs, hips and signs of sexual abuse." Amy said the last part cautiously feeling not only her anger and disgust, but Asami's and Goddric's as well. When they said nothing she continued to explain what she found.

"The one's on his back I would assume come from being beaten with a belt or similar items. The scars on his arms and legs are hard to know for sure if they were caused by abuse or just being a kid. However I can say with certainty that your mate was sexually abused. There is scarring around his anal area that imply is was not consensual as well as crescent shaped marks on his hips and legs that were most likely caused by finger nails digging into his skin." "Enough!" Asami howled. His rage barely being held in check. Amy whimpered in fear of the rage she could feel rolling off her Alpha and his other mate Goddric.

Suddenly Eric, Asami's beta, busts threw the front door. "Alpha there is a pack of Rogues attacking from the east side of the boarder." "Perfect timing, lead the way." Asami growled savagely causing everyone in the room to flinch. After hearing what Amy had said about the horrible things their mate had suffered, his need to kill something was more then clear. Eric simply nodded and exited the house with Asami on his heels. "Go on Goddric, I will keep watch on your mate in case he wakes up." That was all Goddric needed to hear to have him heading out the house as well.

Goddric stepped out of this house just in time to see Asami shift into his wolf. He was a beautiful silvery gray color with a black patch over his left eye as wall as a patch on his chest that was the shape of a crescent moon. His amber colored eyes shined with rage for the pain Rayn had suffered and excitement for the fight to come. He was tall and his muscles were very well balanced, giving him an almost regal look, and even in his wolf form he radiated power and dominance.
With a piercing howl Asami took off towards the east boarder with Eric and Goddric on his flanks. When they arrived at the boarder several of the packs warriors were already engaged in battle with the small pack of Rogues that had dared to challenge the pack for its land. There was maybe 15 rogues in total, and from the looks of it six had already been killed. Not wasting time Asami charged into battle catching one of the rogues, that was attempting to attack a warrior names Blair, by the neck. He bit down hard and gave a swift and powerful shake. The sickening sound of the rogue's neck breaking signaled a few of the other rogues to attack Asami, but before they had a chance Goddric and Eric made quick work of them by violently ripping them into pieces.

Asami jumped onto the next one near him, slamming him into the ground, his claws buried deep in the enemy wolf's chest. With deadly force he pulled his claws down and out ending its life. As Asami made quick work he looked over in time to see Goddric kick a wolf forcibly into a tree killing it in impact. However the momentary distraction cause Asami to be tackled to the ground by a rogue. They rolled around the ground biting and clawing at each other multiple times, before Asami was able to get the upper and latched into its neck yet again causing the sickening crunch of bones breaking.

After about twenty minutes the rogue pack was defeated and Asami looked around the clearing. Seeing all fifteen of the enemy pack laid scattered around, blooded and in pieces in most cases, and no causalities from his pack made him feel a huge amount of pride. Their pack, the Silver Rose Pack, was not the biggest pack in the area but they were one of the strongest. It also helped that the pack was mixed with werewolves and vampires, so it wasn't everyday that other packs would attack them. Mostly just rogues and packs not from the area. As well fight helped to calm the rage he and Goddric had both at learning of some of the suffering Rayn had endured.
"Blair,Mica, Erica and Sam, you stay here and clean up the mess. Josh, Tammy and Eric do a perimeter search and make sure none escaped or are hiding." "Yes Alpha." The group replied through the pack link. With that Asami sat on his hunches and licked some of the blood from his paws and snout before licking blood of Goddric's hand. "We should get back to our mate." Asami linked to Goddric before getting up and walking towards the pack house, making a quick stop in the office to shower before going to their room to be with Rayn. Who thankfully was still sleeping peacefully on their bed.

The pack house was made up of three floors. The first floor was the main gathering area for the pack. It was were the pack kitchen and dinning room, the large open front room with several couches, a game room,meeting room and entertainment room. The second floor was made up of several small suites where quests would stay as well as Eric's suite and Goddric and Asami's office. The third floor is Goddric and Asami's apartment. It housed a private kitchen, front room, two bedrooms and a large bathroom.

After thanking Amy for watching Rayn, Goddric went to the kitchen to start making something to eat while Asami sat at the kitchen working on some random pack stuff. After a few minutes Goddric sat a plate of food beside Asami along with a cold beer. "Stop working, eat and then lets go snuggle in with our mate." Asami chuckled at Goddric's words. Goddric was tall standing at 6'9 and had muscular build like a professional wrestler. So to hear him talk about 'snuggling' was amusing. "Sounds like a good plan." With that said they both ate quickly, before changing into sweat pants and climbing into the bed with their mate.

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