19-Someone Dies Tonight

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"Wake up!" Shouted Gina

"I've been up since 4am, I went to the gym, took a shower and I've done my hair and make-up." I said as she walked in.

"Couldn't sleep?" Asked Gina

"Nope. I've never been nervous in my life. I don't know what to do, do I bring him something, do I just go?"I said

"Don't stress, remember Safire his your son, he will love you." Said Gina with a reassuring tone.

I nodded and got dressed. I decided to just wear a simple t-shirt and oversized jeans, lets hope its good enough. We had a small breakfast and I drove to the address that Julius wrote on the letter, let's just hope everything is goes well.

I pulled up into the apartment complex and put in the code, the gates opened and I drove in. This is it. No looking back. I pulled into a visitor parking and made my way up to his apartment, here goes nothing.

*knock, knock*

"Coming." Said a deep, husky voice

He sounds just like his father. The door swung open and he had a huge smile on his face. Our eyes met and he pulled me into a hug. I was instantly relieved, he wasn't mad at me, he wasn't mad.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Said Scar

I walked in and was greeted with a modern white and black decorated room. Everything looked so modern yet rustic at the same time. This is definitely my son.

"I love it, it's exactly like my first apartment." I said with a laugh

He smiled at me and gestured for me to sit down.

"So I've heard the stories and I've heard why dad says about you...only good things I promise." He said jokingly

"Well those are all probably true but I'm also very different, most people don't know how I look or that I enjoy making dinner for my family and friends. Most people don't know I own my own fashion industry." I said

"You seem really accomplished, so dad says you had a really tough past. He never told me what happened only that it wasn't his story to tell. If you don't mind I'd really like to know." He said

"Well I'll summarise it for you. I had a mother that was abusive both of physically and mentally, she would make me believe that I was worthless and just a object. I always tried to make her proud but never could. Eventually when I got to a certain age she arranged me into multiple marriages, all with men that would rape me, eventually the marriage part was pointless to her so she just sold me to men that would rape me repeatedly and then I met your father, I was arranged to marry him and he was the only man who showed me that I am worth love and he showed me how to love myself. He was the first man I ever loved other than my father. My father tried to stop her and he did help, the only reason I ever got out of the marriages or the people's homes was because he would come rescue me during the night. So I was pregnant with you and eventually I had you in my basement, I saw you grow up until you turned 3 and then my mother took you away from me, she told me she killed you and she made my father promise to tell me that she killed you otherwise she would kill my baby brother Nathan. So I had nothing left to live for, I decided to kill my mother and I did. I made her beg and I didn't feel any remorse. After that day I don't feel emotions really. But I built my empire from the bottom up, I had multiple connections and soon everyone started asking for my skills. That's how I grew my empire and made it to the top, then I started my fashion industry as a cover and I also enjoy it." I said

"Wow. How old are you mom?" He asked

"I'm 32." I said

"Wow. My mom is a badass." He said

"Well my empire and was on top when I was 20 and my fashion industry launched when I was 22. I was a billionaire by 23." I said

"Sooo I guess if I want a Porsche I should ask you." He said jokingly.

"Guess so. But I'm really sorry I missed out on your life for so many years." I said

"It's okay, I know it wasn't safe. Dad told me you had no idea I was alive." He said

"Yeah I didn't. Do you want to meet all my friends and family tonight?" I asked

"Yeah, chicken soup for dinner?" He asked

"My favourite." I said with a smile

We spoke for a little longer before I said bye and exchanged numbers. That went way better than expected. At least he doesn't hate me.

Let's hope dinner goes well.

For some reason I had a bad feeling about tonight...
Hey loves

I hope you're enjoying the story so far, please comment and let me know!!!

Do you ship Safire with Julius or Kodiak?

Will dinner go well?

Is Kodiak really gone?

Keep reading to find out.

-Quanita ❤️

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