25-Why the hell not

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Safire/Blue Eyes POV
I sat in Klaus's room waiting for him to wake up, unable to eat or drink anything. All I wanted to do was make sure he stayed alive.

Everyone came in each day to check and would tell me to eat but we all know I didn't. I starred at his lifeless body laying there, a machine breathing for him, he looked peaceful.

"Safire come on you know he would want you to take your medication. You need to eat something and take a shower." Said Cohen

"Fine. But I'll use his bathroom and you can fetch me food in the cafeteria." I said

"Thank you. Here I brought you some new clothes." Said Cohen

Cohen left to the cafeteria and I decided to go take a shower, not going to lie it did help.

Kodiak walked in and sat with me. He pulled me into his arms and I leaned into him. I rested my head against his chest and felt safe.

"Baby, the doctors say they believe his doing well and they want to take his vent out." Said Kodiak

"Really?" I said as tears started to form in my eyes

"Yes baby." He said as he kissed my forehead and squeezed my hand softly,

"Baby, listen before things get crazy I need to say this to you." He said

I nodded and he continued.

"I don't want anyone else to have your heart, kiss your lips, or be in your arms because that is my place and always will be my place." Said Kodiak

My heart melted, no one has ever cared so much...how does he always know exactly what to say when I need to hear it. He reminds me of Klaus in that way, he always understands what I need.

"Thank you." I said as I kissed him softly

He smiled into the kiss and pulled me in closer. We sat there in each other's arms on the sofa in the hospital room waiting for everyone else to show up.

A few hours passed and the doctors came in to take Klaus off his vent, I'd be lieing if I said I wasn't holding my bretHe the entire time in anticipation for what was to come.

"His breathing on his own!" Shouted the doctor in excitement.

I hugged the doctor and thanked her, Klaus is pulling through now all his has to do is wake up, I know he can do it.

That night we all decided to go back to the house, they had to drag me out but they got me in my bed. They only reason I left was because the hospital block was on my property. I got into bed and started to doze off.


"Who is it?" I asked

"Kodiak." He said

"Come in." I said

He walked in and that's when I realised I hadn't put my mask on. Shit! He stood there starring at me in awe. His eyes were shining in the dark room. I rushed to grab my mask and put it on but before I knew it he was already on top of me and pinning me down. Now I could just pin him down but this is more spicy...

"Now I see why Julius is obsessed with you." He said as he bit his lower lip.

"Kodiak! Let me put my mask on!" I demanded playfully

"No, I think I'll just kiss you instead." He said

Kodiak lowered his body and started to train kisses up my neck, across my jawline and onto my lips, each sensation sent me off the edge. Fuck

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