28-First Encounter

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(Before I continue the story I'm sorry guys I only saw afterwards, I accidentally wrote Ace instead of Scar...oops, I corrected it now hope all is good:)
Back to the story:
"We're here." Said Cohen

He opened the door for me and I stepped out, let's hope this goes well. Everyone's eyes were on me from the moment I stepped out of the limo.

Their gazes watching my every movement looking for a weakness or a sign that they can approach me without pissing me off.

I handed my coat in and made my way into the hall with Cohen, then it happened they announced me.

"Blue Eyes." They said

The hall burst into silence, no one dared to make a sound out of respect, that's when I saw it, him, his eyes followed me, he looked like he had seen a ghost, Gina and Klaus were beside him, both looking like their worlds just exploded.

I walked over to the bar where they were standing. They just looked at me with wide eyes, they quickly composed themselves...everyone was smiling except Kodiak, he was starring at me in awe, he hadn't blinked almost like he feared that I would disappear if he did.

"Meeting room now." Said Cohen

We walked to the back conference room and sat down.

"You bitch! I missed you so much, I was so worried, I thought something happened to you." Said Gina

"Why did you leave?! We would have helped you!" Shouted Klaus

"I was ashamed, I couldn't look at you guys knowing I hurt you the way I did, I put you through something so horrible...I couldn't." I said

Gina gave me a hug and Klaus joined her. They both kissed my forehead and sat back down.

Kodiak hadn't said a word, he was silent. I looked at him and he couldn't even look at me, it hurt me.

"Kodiak I'm sorry, I know what I did was wrong but I didn't mean to hurt you I just didn't feel worthy of your love, I felt like all I did was hurt you and cause you pain...it wasn't fair. But after I left I found out some information. Guys will you please leave us alone for a minute." I said and they left

"How could you? How the fuck could you just leave me like that, I laid in bed every night reaching out for you but you were never there! I blamed myself for not being good enough! All I wanted to do was love you, I just wanted to give you the world and so much more. I just want to love you. Why won't you allow yourself to believe that you are worthy of being loved. You are worthy of love, you are worthy of happiness. Stop hurting yourself, you are stronger than that. I just want to be your person, you hurt me. You made me feel things I never want to feel again, you aren't leaving this time. I won't let you leave me again, I love you too much." Said Kodiak with the saddest tone I've ever heard...it was like I could hear his heart break with each word.

I sat in front of Kodiak and put my hands on his lap, he didn't shake me away so I took that as a good sign.

"I was ashamed, I felt like a burden and a disappointment. I couldn't look at you knowing I caused you pain. I felt like you would be better off without and that you deserve someone better but then I found out I was pregnant Kodiak, I found out a month after I left. I had our kids, their names are Ivy and Niko, twins, they are 3. They want to meet you really badly. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I'm sorry you weren't their for their firsts but I recorded it all. I'm sorry." I said

His eyes went wide and he looked like he was trying to absorb all the information. His mind was running at a million miles an hour.

"Ivy and Niko?" He asked

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