episode 15

9.1K 218 324

missed calls from minho [ 20]
missed calls from lixie [ 15]
missed calls from ji [ 15]
Missed calls from Lisamon [ 10]

view messages [  < \>]
view messages [  < \ >]

Lisamon left 200 messages
Minho left 190 messages
Jisung left 180 messages
Chan left 176 messages
Lixie left 150 messages
Jinnie left 100 messages

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omg bitch
can you fucking answer me
i know things are bad
omg bitch I'm so killing you when i get home
I'm worried sick you ass
omo baby
i miss you
can you answer jisung at least
or chan

stream God's menu

why would i stream my own song are you dumb
wait you replied
omo are you okay??

i answered you didn't i?

how many times did you cry

a day or this week?

a day

did he do it

did he do what

you know what I'm talking about

i can't answer that

I'll see you in 5 days then!

wait yn
- seen -


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omo we're worried sick
can you atleast answer jisung ?
yn we love you
i hope you get enough sleep
i hope you drinked water today
i hope you eat today

date changbin

wait a minute
you replied!!

yes i did lixie

i miss you

I'll see you in 5 days


did he do it

i can't answer that

see you in 5 days

wait yn hear me out
don't leave me on seen


you  groaned as you threw your phone to the end of the bed, you could still hear your notifications come through but you didn't care. You hugged the nearest pillow and buried your face in it, trying to keep yourself from crying.

you knew once minho and felix weren't prepared to tell you what happend the others probaly wouldn't. You knew you had to text Lisa soon before she shows up at your apartment door and drag you by you hair.

you dug your face deeper into the pillow, hoping that it was ease the doubts you had in your mind, its been 9 days since the article, you haven't stepped outside your apartment yet, you got up twice in said days to you know take a shower, brush your teeth, and actaully take care of your health.

you haven't touch real food since, surviving off pizza and instant noodles, and for sure coffee. You deactivated your instagram account as people kept on asking if you and Hyunjin still were together. You dreaded even opening your eyes in the morning, you hoped that if you slept long enough that everything would go away.

your thoughts were interrupt when you heard a knock on the door, you ignored it but the banging only got louder.

" yn if you don't open this fucking door bitch" Lisa growled as she kept on banging on your door

" go away!" you growled as you pulled the comforter over your head.

you heard the front door unlock as footsteps made their way to your bedroom. You felt a weight on a   the end of the bed.

" baby you need to get out of bed" lisa softly said  as she stoked your legs.

" i don't want to" you said as you pulled the comforter under your chin, looking at her.

" come on " she said as she forcefully dragged you out of bed.

" take  a nice warm shower, put on some fresh clothes and I'll make you breakfast hmm." lisa said as she gave you a sweet smile before pushing you inside your bathroom.

after about 20 minutes you came out dressed in a hoodie and some sweatpants, your hair was in a low messy bun.

you sat at your kitchen counter as lisa put a bowl infront of you.

" thanks" you mumbled lowly but load enough for her to hear.

after you both were done eating, she washed the dishes before handing you some vitamins to help with the headache.

you plopped down on the couch and shortly after she joined you, just as she was about to speak you heard a knock on the door .

she quickly made her way to the door but immediately slammed it closed again. She looked at you panicking but hesitantly opened the door again.

" whose at the door?" you groaned as you stood up to go see who it was.

" h - hyunjin?"


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