episode 16.

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you had no thoughts, your mind was absent. Wondering whether he really was standing infront of you.

You wanted to cry, to yell at him to get out, you wanted him to hug you and never let go , but in that exact moment all you could do was look into his eyes.

They were full of regret and disappointment. You really wanted to slam the door in his face, you wanted to feel anything at this point.

" do i still love him?"

" does he still love me?"

" am i not good enough for h-"

"yn baby?" Hyunjin softly said as he stepped inside your apartment, you were instantly brought back to reality as you stepped back, maintaining distance between you two.

" don't... don't call me that"  you said as you looked at him again. A frown appeared as he tried to step forward again, but you moved back again.

" y/n.. i -"

" what do you want?" you deadpanned as you tried to gulp down the lump in your throat. Your chest started burning.

" what do you mean what do i want, i want you..... us"

You immediately scoffed as his words, blinking a few times to process his words.

" is it true" you asked you looked at him, eyes burning as you tried to keep the tears from falling. You don't even know when Lisa left, as you now only noticed it was only you and Hyunjin.

You watched him carefully, as his facial expression dropped, eyes filled with guilt. Silence filled the air as you knew your answer. You heart sunked. You hoped for days it was all just a rumor, you hope that he would come barging through your doors telling you it was all lies, just a rumor and yet here he was, eyes pleading for him to explain.

" How long" you asked as a tear rolled down your cheek. He wanted to wipe it away so bad but everytime he took a step forward, you took a step back. His heart broke seeing you like this, he hated seeing your cry, and knowing he was the reason why only fueled the guilt.

" s- since the beginning of tour" he answered, almost in a low whisper but loud enough for you to hear. You could see the tears form in his eyes as your vision was getting blurry.

" get out"

" yn it isn't what you think let me -"

" get out!" you yelled as you finally let your emotions take control over you, tears streaming down your face.

" yn don't do this"

" Hyunjin" you said in a low tone, voice barely audible.

" You don't get to stand there and tell me that you want " us " . A week before the post i was worried sick when you didn't answer any of my texts! You told me you were busy with work even tho we both knew that wasn't true! ..."

" I thought i wasn't good enough for you, i thought my love wasn't enough. Where were you when i was crying my eyes out! It took you 9 days to tell me! 9 DAYS! so you don't get to stand there and tell me you want us, you don't have the right to! I trusted you.... i t- trusted you. "

tears were rolling down his face as he so badly wanted to hold you in his arms, he just wanted to ease the pain, he wanted to apologize at least, he wanted to explain and tell you they didn't do anything.

" get out " you said again bringing him back to reality.

" let me explain yn, i promise we didn't do anything"

" are you telling me she didn't try to make a move on you once, she didn't try to kiss you, get back the boy she once was deeply loved, still love?"

silence fillied the room again as you knew your answer.

You vision was getting blury, your breathing unsteady as you head started spinning. Suddenly you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around and pull you into a tight hug. You felt your shoulder getting wet and immediately pushed him off you.

" g- get out please, don't make me go through this" you slighly whisper looking at him again, tears filling your eyes.

This time he didn't fight back, he didn't try to explain himself, instead he looked at you one more time before slowly making his way to the door. He turned around again, tears rolling down his face.

" I'm sorry " was all he said as he closed the door behind him.

Your knees immediately gave in as you stumbled against the wall. You fell to the floor as you looked over to the door. You couldn't cry, you felt numb . You just stared at the door, hoping he would come back. Hoping he would walk through that door and tell you he won't give up on you.

" yn?" a voice sofly whisper at the door, You didn't answer, you didn't have the strength to.

The door slowly opened, revealing a worried Lisa.

" oh baby" she said as she made her way over to, crouching down to take you in her arms. As soon as she had you against her chest, tears came pouring out of you. it felt like you couldn't breath, it was so suffocating. You just wanted the feeling to go away.

" was i not enough?" you asked Lisa as you look up at her with red puppy eyes.

" no no no you were more than enough" Lisa said as she pulled you into a hug again, rocking you slighly back and forth and she tried to calm you down. After about 10 minutes she brought you to your feet, walking you over to the couch.

You felt drained and so so tried. She flashed you a small smile before placing a blanket over you. You closed your eyes with the hope that the pain would be gone the next morning. You hoped you would wake up from this awful nightmare, but that wasn't the case..... at all


shout-out to IlsaAhmati,❤️ she really has been on my ass for updates but i love her regardless.

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