Chapter 21

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Readers POV
A voice roars, practically causing the room to shake. Offender dropped me to the floor to which I gasp for breath finally now that his hands were no longer around my neck. LJ drops the axe, stepping away but held his hand against his left side along his ribs.

"This is an unacceptable way for you to behave!"
I found it quite funny slender would say such a thing considering they're all murderes. There is no right way for them to behave as it's all wrong from the start.

"Brother come with me and LJ I want her dead NOW."
He growls, pointing sharply in my direction but his face remained straight forward at the other two.
I turn my gaze toward LJ to see his expression, but annoyingly I couldn't see it. His head was facing the floor and his hair had fallen down, covering his face.
Damn.. what are you thinking LJ..?

Slender snaps at him for his lack of response. Still facing the floor, he gives a small nod, still hiding his expressions.

"Come brother, we leave at once to get you healed"
Slender orders, lowering his pointing hand that had remained on me all that time.

"I will have to walk. Seems I cannot teleport in these conditions."
For once his voice didn't sound in anyway flirtatious but he didn't sound like he was in any pain or discomfort. He strolls out the room following behind slender.

There was a brief pause of silence as LJ remains looking at the floor. It felt kind of awkward..


"Wait here."
He orders, pointing at me, his head still facing the floor at his feet. Lowering his hand he makes his way out of the room too, going the opposite way to which slender and offender went..
Don't leave me here alone again...

Laughing Jack POV
I walk out of the room, head hanging low and hand on my side, offender must have really bruised my ribs when he tried crushing me.

Making my way to the bathroom, I lock myself in so no one can intrude, looking in the mirror to check over my ribs. There was no visible damage but I should probably get them checked out. So I leave and head for EJ.
Coming to his lab, I knock on the door, to which he invites me in.

"LJ? What do you want."
He snarls, biting into a price of flesh, his mask tilted to show only his mouth.

"I need you to check my ribs"


"EJ! JUST CHECK- .... *sigh* just check for me.."
He shrugs and taps the table with his hand, signalling  me over to sit.
As I do so, I notice a pile of clothes by the door that I never saw on my way in. They were dark and dull coloured.

"Right, lift up your arm, left side?"
I nod to his words to which he begins  pressing against my body, causing me to wince in pain but he doesn't stop, just continues to press and feel.

"I bet you're enjoying this you bastard"

"You can say that"
He chuckles. Didn't know he was capable of laughing.
"They're not broken but severally damaged. I would suggest wearing a compression bandage for a while. They're over there"
He waves his hand in the direction of the bandages, that just happened to be by the pile of clothes..

Getting up off of the table, I grab the bandages and quickly check behind me, EJs back was turned. I grab the clothes and quickly head out, shutting the door.
Phew... did I really just take these? What am I even planning..

As I head back, I start to think about what I'm doing. I finally get to kill this girl and yet suddenly it's almost as if I don't want to. Like it's not giving the satisfaction it should. Or maybe.. some other reason..
Am I really going to do this..?

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