Chapter 12

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"Well that's no good"
The clown grunts as he stands over me looking down. His sharp nose pointing right at me.
"Can't have this noise now can we."
He huffs, turning away and walking to what seemed like some kind of tool or supply table. Walking back with a needle and some thread. My eyes instantly snap open.

"PLEASE! Please don't do this! You don't want to do this! Please! I'll do anything you want just don't hurt me please!"
I desperately beg. Trying to see if there is any good in his heart whatsoever. But if memory serves right. What he done to that boy when I was a kid. He's a monster.

"I don't want to do this?! HA, oh dear that's not right!"
He laughs to himself, threading the needling and cutting a suitable thread length.
"You have been a pain in my arse over the years! You have escaped twice from me. Once when you were a kid. And now recently. NOBODY escapes from me! EVER!... I thought I'd never get the chance to kill you after I lost you all those years ago. But when I saw your name on that paper, just waiting to be killed. I was so fucking ECSTATIC! But you.. you bastard you got away again. So now, it's personal." 
He growls to himself. I could hear him grinding his fangs as his eyes flash red for a few seconds, before return to his normal dull colour. Clearly getting a little bit angry just thinking about it all.

"Please..I don't want to die.."
I say in a low voice as I fix my eyes on him. A tear dribbling down my cheek.
I notice his eyes glance at me after I speak, looking down, as if to feel some kind of guilt, before shaking his head a little, grunting in annoyance and continuing to thread the needle.

"Now hold still. The more you thrash the more this is going to hurt."
He states bluntly, grabbing my bottom lip and forcing the needle through it without warning. I couldn't help but cry out in pain. Tears streaming down my face more and more, each time he pushing the needle through my skin. Sewing my mouth shut, slowly beginning to muffle my screams. I could feel my own blood dripping down my chin and onto my neck, as well as my own salty tears flowing down my cheeks.

"There. All done."
Once he finished sewing, he cut what was left of the thread and wiped away any of the blood.
I was surprised he even bothered cleaning me up. I would have thought he would have wanted to see me bleed.
"That wasn't that bad now was it!"
He grins with a wink. Only for my agonising expression to respond with more flowing tears.

"Now! I know what you must be thinking-"
He says as he heads back over to the supply table, placing down the needle and thread and coming back over. This time bringing the table with him, only making my heart race as I could now see all the instruments waiting to be used.
"-I did strip you down to your underwear but you can relax, I did not take advantage of you. I'm no monster!"
He chuckles to himself at his own amusement.
I wanted to roll my eyes but I worried that would end in a punishment and I want to limit my pain as much as possible.

"So, lets begin shall we"

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