B&W 18.

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Much like the once crashing waves of the ocean life was settling in it's mould of peace. With each passing day her mind was clearing and the walls that she had built were melting away under his warm, welcoming smile.

Mornings used to stressful for her but now they were warm like a cup of hot chocolate, the nights that used to terrify her to tears were filled with warm hugs and cuddles from her beloved.

Things were just fine and prayed for then to stay that way. Her eyes had a new hope of greeting him every morning and evening when she would come back home from work.

He had helped her heal, helped her see things more openly and had held her hand ever since. Not once did he make her feel as if she had pulled him through that roller coaster of unfortunate events with her. Sometimes her heart felt heavy from the burden of having him go through so much with her but it was his eyes would each time read that guilt of hers and remove it silently with his loving gestures.


She was gone. She couldn't still wrap her mind around what she had lost in a fight that was hers. How she had dragged so many innocent lives in a turmoil that hers to fight. Even now after months she would subconsciously find herself dialling her number and soon after her eyes would tear up and life would all of a sudden go back to when she woke up and realized she didn't have her savior with her anymore.

Her mother.

She had gone to meet her but old ingrained habits seldom leave. She still curses her for the death of her husband, for her former divorce and her life being ruined, and everytime it would hurt just as it did the first time.


She didn't mourn his death, nor did she celebrate it. He wasn't someone to be talked about. He wasn't someone she cared for. He was a no one who played a vital role in breaking her in pieces. She didn't care anymore.

Her in law.

They weren't any different. If worse her mother-in-law tried getting them divorced bringing up her condition, but it was her husband who had stood steadfast beside her.


She loved him. A whole lot of baggage later she had finally come to realize that she loved him. She didn't feel the same for anyone else and get heart seemed to have fluttered even at the sight of him and so now, at their anniversary she wished to show him that she did indeed loved and trust him.

She came home early from work today, the new maid had cleaned their house to perfection and was given a half day. She hurried to put her plan in action, first thing was to take a long shower to prepare herself for the special night she had imagined. The dress she had designed herself was exquisite. Red chiffon covered with the same coloured beading and embroidery took most of her time but the studio Buraak had built for her was her partner in all work that she did on her dress.

It took months of hardwork to put it together and she was sure it would create the bestest of memories. Her original dress was torn to shreds the day of Sabra's death and it hurt her to no ends.

Wearing a short silk gown for the time being she sat on her bed running her hand over the petals scattered over it. Seeing there was still time for Buraak to come home she decided to take a nap, putting an alarm on for half hour she let tht days exhaustion take over her and drown her in it's peaceful waves.

The sound of the door clucking open filled the silent house. A tired sigh escaped his lips as he walked inside the still home. The night sky was closed behind with the door shutting softly. Loosening his tie around his neck he walked further in tht house rubbing his neck.

Daastan E Ishq - داستانِ عشقWhere stories live. Discover now