D&N 3

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"Astagfar" someone gasped.

"Tauba," another muttered.

"Haye o rabba" an elderly lady exclaimed, halting in her footsteps on the staircase, her hand on her chest.

(oh my god)

"Humara tu hunza ka plan tha" the girl with honey brown hair whispered with battered breath watching the scene unfold before her.

(we had a plan to go to hunza)

"Plan... plan tü war gaya" her brother whispered at his misery as his life came to a full stop.

(plan.... Plans all gone)

"CHUPP" their father yelled.



If you tried you could hear a pin drop at the way time halted in Ehsan house. The day had only just started and it was already turned upside down, no one had wondered that the house which was supposed to be bustling with life and cheers of the upcoming wedding would face this day.

Invitations were sent out, the bride was on her way to Pakistan, half of the family was already staying in their house and the groom was nowhere to be seen.

Faiz had left a note on the table narrating his tale of love with another, his clothes were gone and he had made sure to blame everyone present in ehsan house for his misery.

"If only you guys understood me".

His note said in bold letters, his feelings were choked and him being the patient middle child couldn't hold on for long, his life was always a question his parents thought they had the right to answer but for him it was prison.

His tears had bled through the ink and had made blotches on the paper as he wrote what felt like a suicide note, the girl he was in love with was safe at her house which means Faiz had decided to live on his own for now and there was no one in his family that supported him, other than his older brother, Darab.

Their father was a man who thought his children where the ones he needed revenge from, revenge of his own parents throwing him into the life he didn't want to live but what he refused to understand was that he was doing the same with his kids and they were not as forgiving as he had been in his youth. Nothing sacred them anymore, unpredictable outbursts, throwing things around, glaring. Nope nothing mattered now since in his attempt of making his kids perfect he forgot he was a father too and not just the retired army general that he took pride in being.

His children were never his pride and no matter how much they did he only remembered his youngest who died while in the arms of his eldest son. Darab had been fourteen when he fell off the stairs while bringing his brother to his mother, he tripped and fell while still carrying the baby. He tried to save his brother the best he could but it was his time to go and so he went, leaving his parents burning in hatred for their eldest and his brother in a three month long coma. Darab suffered a head injury and even after waking up from the coma he was immobile for the better part of his teens.

Dying slowly in the guilt of killing his own brother, crying every night in pain wishing his parents would forgive him and help him heal too. Ever since then his sole purpose was to make them happy again, but for how long was he going to keep up the act of the good son who was slowly losing all hopes in humanity.

Darab had been ridiculed, hurt and most of all abused in his state of paralysis but no one was there to believe him, it was just him and just him for himself.

It wasn't all, he had been eighteen when his second brother was found dead in his room, no one was willing to admit that he was beaten to the edge of death which he embraced by letting his wrist bleed on the gray carpet of his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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