Chapter 1

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It wasn't easy trying to start a new life after Vinco, I won't pretend it was. It was eye-opening for lack of a better word. Though humans, weak and ignorant as they can be, are simple they are also hard to mimic. I needed to present myself as they do, I needed to learn their ways and fast. It was difficult to acquire things like a birth certificate, a social security number, an ID, hell, a cellphone, but I did it just as I knew I would.

It took a bit of time, but I was successful. I needed to be a minor criminal for a bit, stealing money and other essentials but that was temporary and now in the past.

The next thing I needed to do was find a place to live. I'm a strong woman, there were times I needed to walk or run and find shelter. I needed to trick some weirdos into doing my bidding for a time and I did. In the human world, all it takes is a pretty face, some kind words, and boom, I got what I needed. There are no shortages of landlords throughout the states, I just needed to take into consideration pricing and who was dumb enough to not know a thing about how to rent out a home for a decent price.

My landlord is a young man, not quite knowing the quality of the place he gave me but I didn't feel guilt over the negotiation I made. I have a good place that was for a cheap price in the end. After that, it was pretty much smooth sailing. With the money I stole from various people, I bought furniture, food, clothes, and other essentials, settling in for a time but money doesn't last long, so of course, I found a job.

It had to be a job that I knew would get easily. Something that was for me, something that would always benefit me, and what better way for a skilled killer to make a living than to fight? It's not like I don't have enough pent up anger to last me a lifetime, so why wouldn't I take on the job, it is an honest living. It's not one of those bet-on-a-fighter and get your pay that way, it's at a gym. I teach classes in basic combat and self-defense, something I excel at. I showed I was good enough to get the job, but not so good to the point of people asking questions, it was perfect.

The pay is really good seeing how I'm the best trainer there, good enough for me to only have to work four days a week and still have a lot of money left over. Most of my trainees are women thankfully, that want to defend themselves in case of an attack from the opposing sex. Men can be evil, vile. I have taught people who have shared their horror stories with me that led them to my classes in the first place and I have taught them well. After all, it's my job to do so, which is all this is to me, a job.

Enjoyable, but disposable.

I do what I do only to ever aid myself in the long run. I like to maintain my athletic physique, keeping up with my own self-defense not that taking on a human is exactly hard. They are so soft and malleable. They break so easily it's a wonder how they even live, though, in their world, it's all about money. They are so greedy, so selfish but now, I guess so am I. Looking out for yourself is not a shame, it's a necessity, something I learned long ago, but the past is behind me now. All I need to concern myself with is myself and my future.

Though, later, I learn that my future and the future of everyone around me are in jeopardy. That time isn't near though, not even close. Therefore, I won't worry about that part just yet. All there is to worry about is the here and now.

Here, and now, I was currently working. Multitudes of humans came in and out of the gym all day every day. A desirable physical appearance is what most of them crave. To be stronger, but not because they want to be strong but because they want to look the part. To be thinner, not because it is healthier, but because it looks good. I don't think I'll ever fully understand it. Humans want to be so much, loved by all yet are still hated and envied by one another, even themselves.

"Hey, Millicent." One of the regulars, Kaleb greeted me as he walked in. He is nearly where he wants to be physically but it's not enough for him. He wants to get bigger, look better, more desirable of course.

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