Chapter 17

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My arm was gripped tight in the hand of one of the guards but I didn't resist. I was naked, he forced me to strip, though he didn't have his way with me. He told me tonight wasn't one of those nights. It's been a few months since I've arrived here, my routine was pretty basic, train, sleep and hope the men don't come at any point to whisk me away to be raped. This night though, this night was different.

We passed by many guards, all of them cat-calling and slapping my ass on the way to where ever we were heading though I ignored them. I was sure I was going to be terminated, I don't know what I did, but there wasn't much you had to do to receive such a fate here.

Once we arrived at our destination I was thrown on top of a hospital bed but I didn't understand. I wasn't injured nor was I sick. Why am I here?

In the far corner of the room, I noticed a man in a lab coat, messing with some weird serums, choosing one that was bright green in color, pulling a cart behind him full of dangerous-looking tools.

I didn't dare move, I know the penalty for lack of compliance.

After setting up, he transferred a serum into a syringe, watching me closely, "Do you know why you're here Subject-203?" He asked calmly.

I shook my head, while he grabbed my ankles, propping my legs up before opening them. He eyed my private area, not in a lustful way like all the other men, but in a curious one, squinting his eyes in thought.

"You are here to part-take in an experiment I've invented. An experiment that I hope works. Your life literally depends on it." He tells me, jamming the serum into my inner thigh. I flinched, but I didn't cry out.

"What experiment is it?" I asked nervously.

He chuckled, placing his hands on top of my knees, leaning forward his eyes locking on my own. I didn't like that look, or the way he kept looking down at my area, not at all.

"An experiment that will change everything."

I woke with a start, sweat coating my skin. I've never had that memory before now, not once. I remember that night of course, but as for the memory coming back to haunt me, it's never happened. I have bits of memories of visiting the doctor, each visit more painful than the last, but I realize I don't have anything solid to recall. After that night, it's like I don't have any more like that. I simply remember my usual training and nights of torture with the guards, nothing else.

My hand unconsciously went up to the scar on my stomach, tracing it gently. I jumped when the bed shifted, glancing over at Sterling who was staring up into my eyes.

"Did you have a nightmare?" He asked, pulling me closer. I sighed, relaxing into him.

"Yes, I think," I say.

"Do you want to tell me what it was about?" His fingers were lazily trailing up and down my arm, making goosebumps form.

Normally, I would have refused, but this time, I wanted to tell him.

"I was on Vinco, taken to the med bay. I was naked, and the doctor was setting up some kind of experiment for me to part take in, but I didn't know what. He injected me with something, but after that, I have nothing." I tell him numbly.

"I know remembering is hard, take your time." He said.

I shook my head at him, "No Sterling, I mean, I literally have nothing after that night. The doctor said I was part of an experiment that would change everything, as he put it, but after that, I have no other memory of the experiment."

I suddenly remember back to Karina, and how she told me there were gaps when she tried to see my past. I never really gave her a true chance to elaborate but now, I regret not taking the sessions further. That won't happen again, I need to see her.

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