Chapter 30

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It was quite a task coming up with schedules for the kids that would work for everyone. They needed to train together at the same time that much was obvious, but eventually, we made it work promising not only to reunite the kids for training, but also reuniting in general for holidays, special occasions, and to simply hang out with one another.

I sometimes forget how young we all truly are, we are all only teens when we escaped from the most horrible circumstances brought together not by fate, but by her, Xenna. She knew exactly how it would play out and encouraged everything to work out the way she saw it.

I realized upon our arrival back home that there will never truly be a moment when we're back for the last time. We will always be traveling so our children can come together but that's not a bad thing. Home is where your heart is and mine is with Sterling and Charm, they are my life now.

"It all seems to be falling into place huh?" Sterling asked as we walked into our home.

I smiled, "It seems that way, I just wish the future was more certain-"

"Uh-uh, don't do that," He pulled me against him by my waist. "No future talk, no doubts, no gloom. We'll cross that bridge when we get there, all I want to do is live in the present with my two favorite girls." He kissed me lightly.

I sighed against his lips in contentment.

"You know," I pecked him once more. "I still want to work."

He sighed, chuckling, "I figured as much."

"I can train Charm there sometimes, maybe even have her go up against my trainees. I would love nothing more than to see her kick their asses." I grinned amusedly.

He laughed, "That would be a sight."

I waited for his approval, not that I really needed it, I was going to do it regardless and he knew as much. Sterling has no problem letting me do what I want as long as I'm safe and I'll always appreciate the respect he has for me.

"When do you plan on going back?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Whenever. I want to be here for a bit, spend time with Charm. . . and with you I guess." I teased.

His eyebrows shot up, "You guess?"

I laughed when he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, speeding into our bedroom before throwing me on the bed, his hands attacking my sides with tickles.

"Ster- Sterling, stop," I laughed wildly, squirming endlessly underneath his touch. I couldn't handle it any longer, "I take it. . . back!" I gasped between laughs, letting myself catch my breath before playfully glaring at him.

His eyes grew dark and I smirked at him, knowing exactly what that meant. I rolled on top of him attacking his lips before he can dominate me. I kissed my way along his jaw, down his neck, ready to move lower. . .


I grunted when Charm threw herself on top of Sterling and I, my body squishing against his. I laughed at Sterling's expression while Charm giggled happily from on top of us. I was amazed at how lucky I am when it comes to these two.

We simply laid in bed for the majority of the day, talking, laughing, watching movies all the while growing closer as a family, small as it is.

I thought of Sterling's suggestion of one day having children, my confidence growing about the matter. He hasn't brought it up to me anymore which at first concerned me only because I thought he changed his mind about wanting to have a child with me, but my insecurities vanished because I knew he was simply giving me time to think about it.

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