-Chapter Twenty Two-

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Dedicated to JacobBlack_

Thank you for all the amazing comments,, they really make my day !!!:)

and thank you for giving my book a chance to begin with !


Chapter Twenty Two

I woke up feeling pretty terrible, my head was killing me and my whole body was sore.

I thought back to last night.

I walked away after he kissed me, my heart and body was telling me to stay, but my mind was telling me to walk away.

I laid on my couch for hours just doing nothing until I started crying, I don’t know how long I cried, but I know I did cry myself to sleep.

I hated the effect he had on me; it made me want to cry more that I was being so weak.

I kept telling myself that I’m so upset that my baby won’t have a father, and that’s the only reason.

I got up and slowly made my way to the silent room and grabbed all the things I needed to paint. I wanted it to feel warmer and inviting, not cold and like you want be anywhere but there.

I sat in there for hours just painting. Painting was another way to help relieve stress I was feeling, something about it just calms me.

I painted in multiple browns and creams with a touch of green, red and gold.

It looked like a whole new room by the time I was finished with it, and I can’t wait to get everything moved back against the walls, the paintings up, and the bean bags all settled.

I love this Library and getting it all set up, and doing it mostly on my own, but I just can’t wait until all the stress over it is gone. I feel sick right now with all the stress I have going on.

I finished painting and didn’t know what to do, so I looked in my locker for my music folder and went into the music room.

I had been working on a composition for the piano, and it was almost done, and I really wanted to get it finished.

I was happy I hadn’t seen Damon all day, but I have the feeling he’s close by, just keeping his distance.

I worked on this damn song until I thought my head was going to burst, but I just couldn’t finish it. I took a deep breath and moved away from the piano and laid down on the floor.

“Hey baby.” I put my hands on my stomach “I love you, just always know that” I sighed.

“I know mommy’s been stressed out and that’s not good for you, I’m sorry my little one” I rubbed circles across my tiny not really there bump.

“I’m not looking forward to getting fat, but I can’t wait to feel you growing, to find out if you’re boy or girl, to feel your kicks, listen to your heartbeat. “

I just wanted my baby to be healthy, so I will gladly get fat if it means he or she is going to be a perfectly healthy little thing.

I thought about how in half a year, I get to meet him or her. Those thoughts instantly dampened at the thought of being in the hospital, waiting our contractions, and pushing my child into this world, by myself.

No, not by myself!

I’ll have my parents, Mason, and Arianna. My brain yelled

But you won’t have Damon my heart countered back and I wanted to cry again.

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