Part 51

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Khushi knocked at the door and then walked into Rohan's cabin smiling brightly at him, Rohan too had a huge smile on his face which wasn't fading away, he seemed so happy.

"So, when is the wedding?" She asked as she sat down in front of him.

"Eighteenth April." He smiled.

"No way! You already picked the date too? And so soon? That's like just a month and half away, oh my God, I'm so excited."

"Yeah, actually it's Tara's birthday on that date and we thought why not get married the same day, also we didn't want to take anymore time, I've stayed away from her for so long, I spent years looking for her and now that she's here, I just want to be with her and spend all my time with her." He smiled.

"I am so happy for the both of you." Khushi said.

"Now it's time for you and Arnav to get married once again." Rohan suggested.

"I don't know... I haven't thought about it yet... we're taking it slow, I need time to heal yet."

"And how is the healing process going on so far?"

"It's good... very good actually, if things keep going like this, I think someday in the future I might think of getting married to him again." She said as she zoned out thinking about the future wedding and all her fairytale dreams.

She had always had so many dreams attached to Arnav which were shattered when they got married but now, she had started dreaming again and hopefully this time, her dreams weren't going to shatter.

"I hope everything works out for the both of you. Anyway you know you have to do everything for me right? The wedding planning, and everything related to it, you are the only close friend I have. My parents would be coming in like two three weeks but you'll have to help a lot. I am giving you the responsibility." Rohan said.

"Sure, I'll handle everything don't worry." She assured him.

"Thank you."

"Anyway, let me get back to work, I'm sure Tanvi will have a lot to say to me in the evening once I get home." Khushi giggled as she stood up.

"She dint tell you yesterday? When I dropped her home, she said she was going to wake you up if you were asleep and tell you everything, she was so happy and excited." He smiled.

"Actually, I wasn't home last night." Khushi bit her lip nervously.

"Where were you then?"

"I stayed over at Arnav's. Okay bye." She giggled as she rushed out of Rohan's cabin quickly so he wouldn't start asking her questions about it, the time she spend with Arnav last night was so beautiful, she couldn't stop thinking about it and blushing.

She settled down in her cabin and grabbed her phone to check for any calls and messages, she found a few missed calls from Tanvi and messages from Arnav.

She decided to open the messages first and then call Tanvi.

"Good morning babe, I miss you already."

"Can't stop thinking about you, text me when you get free."

"Wanna go on a date tonight? Please say Yes."

She laughed as she read the texts from Arnav, he was acting so cute and lovey dovey, something she had never expected him to be, before he used to be all rude and angry, and now he was so cute, it was making her fall in love with him all over again.

"Good morning, I miss you a little too. And yes you can take me for a date but only if you're taking me for pizza, I'm craving pizza." Khushi typed and sent the message.

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