Chapter 1

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Aurelia's POV

No attachments,

No expectations,

No disappointment.

The only thing that brought me through this hell hole called life. Being there for myself. It's not worth depending on others, in the end you have no one but yourself.

I grew up in a coven, still, I was always alone. I didn't matter, I wasn't anyone's priority. Just another unwanted waste of space. Everyday for years I endured their rejection and abuse, because I was considered different.

What's that saying? Oh yeah, Fight your demons. That's exactly what I did. And I made sure no one made me question my existence again. I'm aware that  I'm a huge screw up, I don't need anyone reminding me. I need no one.

Ha, if that's the case then why am I hiding in Tula, trying to protect something I'm so against. I jeopardized my own life and career for someone else's. But it's not like I care about it, well her. I  didn't want her to face a similar situation from my past.

A low-pitched crying made me glance over my shoulder at the mass living room, illuminated by the moon light through the large window I'm standing at. I walked over to the couch where the small black portable crib was. The cries continued as I took it's small form in my arms, after whispering smoothing words and rocking her slightly the sobbing ceased.

I hope this isn't a permanent routine, it has only been two days and I already felt exhausted. This child has no sympathy for personal time and space. Some times, I think she's just mocking me. There's literally no point of waking every two hours just to torment someone.

After feeding her, I sat on one of the beanbags in the corner of the room trying to get her to sleep. Because I'm not her mother, I can't breastfeed her. It was indeed hard but I got her to drink from a bottle.

Few moments later, I thought she was sleeping. I looked down  and hazel orbs were already glancing up at me. Seriously, this child was taunting me, and the fact that she started to smile, proved it.

She's only 1 week old, but looks one month because of werewolf DNA. In 6 months she could be mistaken for any one year old.

Will I have her for that long? Am I willing to leave my life behind for her? I sighed putting away those thoughts for now.

Realizing that she doesn't have a name I frowned, I didn't even think about that before. What will I call her? Do I even have to name her? I can't keep calling her by only pronouns, so yes.


That was her birth mother's name.

"Amber." I whispered looking at her. She snuggled closer in my arms letting out a silence yawn.

I made sure that she was sleeping and then placed her in the crib. My phone started to vibrate on the small glass table.

Who the hell thinks it's ok to call someone at 3 AM in the morning?

The screen showed that it was an unknown number, I watched the phone rang until the person gave up. When it stopped, I turned to go to the fridge but the phone starts vibrating again. I answered but didn't speak as yet.

"Hello." a male address at the other ended.

"Who's this and how did you get my number?" I said cutting to the chase.

"They know that you have the girl and they won't stop until they have both of you." He ignored my question. "Hand her over to us, we'll-"

"You'll what?" I interrupted whatever he was about to say. "Let me guess, you're just another cocky alpha who wants to ruin another innocent child's life." He tried to say something but I just continued.

" I'm not giving her to any of you a**holes, you want her then you'll go through me. And don't call me ever again." I added then threw the phone at the wall, pieces crashing down on the floor.

Well isn't this just great. Now I have, not only Amber's Ex-alpha but others after me. What's so important about her? If anything, she's just a harmless baby.

To protect her, I have to leave Russia but where will I go. I'm sure all packs are aware of Amber's disappearance by now.


"How about china?" I asked Amber as if she could answer me. "You're right, it's too close to Russia." I placed my fingers on my chin pretending to think about it.

"Ah ah" I snapped my fingers causing Amber to slightly jump. "We'll go to Mexico. How's your Spanish Amber?" I continue talking to myself.

" I hope you're aware that I'm here throwing my life away for you. I have no idea why, nevertheless, I am." I got up from the couch and walked to the window meeting the busy view of the city. "Why did they want you so badly?" I thought out loud.

"Your alpha, whatever his name is, offered me 45 million rubles for you. That's a lot for a baby."

It's really interesting how they were doing any and everything to have her. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she is growing really fast. I thought it was because she's a were but there could be more to this.

"I feel excited." I walked back to the couch. "I mean this seems challenging and I love a challenge." Resting my hands on my knees I bend to Amber's level.

"What you say Amber? Want to go on adventures?"

I cursed internally hearing loud bangings on the door.

"kto tam!?!" I shouted knowing they heard.
("Who's there!?!")

"obsluzhivaniye nomerov!" An elderly man shuts back. ("Room service!")

"YA skazal dame na stoyke registratsii ne pozvolyat' nikomu bespokoit' menya."
("I told the lady at the front desk not to let anyone disturb me.")

"Izvinite, madam, pozavtrakayte, a ya poydu."
("Sorry madam, take the breakfast and I'll go.")

Just to be careful I chanted a spell, one that would make the door transparent, so I can see on the other side. It turned clear, moving like ocean waves. On the other side were two large men in black suits, definitely not staff.

I gathered all my belongings, which only consists of a duffel bag and my weapons, then I took Amber.

Facing the window I imagined myself in a different surrounding, tall green trees, a wide lake with beautiful flowers, the pleasant odor, everything.

A small black hole appears and widens by every second that passes. Within a minute, a large black hole with purple stripes of lightening hugs the sides appeared .

The banging on the door got louder until the men broke it down. They entered the room looking at the sight before them.

"Ready for the adventure Amber?"


Please don't complain about the first few chapters, I already know they are a mess. They will be fixed when I edit.🧍🏾‍♀️-February 7,2022

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