Chapter 6

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"So that's what this was all about? Shifting?"

How more confusing will this get?
Do werewolves shift at such a young age? Is it because Amber is not a normal werewolf?

"That's the only result we can think of." The doctor sighed.

"Of course, no one has ever changed so young. This is the first time I, personally, have ever heard of such thing." Caleb said looking back at the x-ray.

Graciela excused herself to attend other patients, I took my seat beside Amber processing the information.

Ok. I know now that she's just shifting and because she's so young it's extremely difficult yet painful for her.

Is she guarantee to survive?

Does this have something to do with what happened five days ago? It as to, I can't think of any other possible explanation. She tried to heal me, but nothing happened. Was that the trigger for the sudden shift?

Graciela said she is shrinking and that's exactly what went on. One minute she was 16 and the next she's 5. But I won't be telling them that.

"They're back." Caleb's voice filled the room. I thought he left.

"How do you know that? I didn't hear anyone call you or-"

"It was through the mind link." He chuckled.

Oh, I forgot that they had a weird way of communicating.

We left the room and I followed along side Caleb to wherever those alphas were. I really hope thaey're more like Caleb, not as talkative; simply care free.

"There's nothing weird about us, I bet you wish you were like me." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "You're so right. Why wouldn't I want to be a smelly dog?"

Caleb stoped walking and his smile drops, letting out a low growl. "We are not smelly and we are more advanced than dogs. That was truly disrespectful." He stated in a-matter-of-fact tone.

"No offense buddy but I hate your kind either way." I whispered patting his back, walking past him.

"You hate our kind?" He followed me confused. "Isn't that werewolf your daughter?"

"I wasn't talking about werewolves in general, I was talking about you; alphas."


We arrive at a large mansion, it was massive. Caleb opened the door and led me up what felt like 50 floors, however it was only 3. It's getting more painful to move and trying to ignore it is challenging. I think Caleb noticed because he's walking at a slower pace than before.

We entered through two large brown doors to a living room. The two figures at the fire place turned their focus on us. The slightly taller guy had dark brown hair and brown eyes, the sleeve tattoo on the right hand made him look more intimidating.

I've always found tattoos appealing, they are purely decorative and symbolic. How they symbolize our thoughts and feelings, reflect on past or present experiences and emotions. You can tell a lot about a person by their tattoos.

I glanced at the other guy beside him, suddenly forgetting how to breathe. I stared into his striking blue orbs. An alien feeling assumed control over me, and as much as I hated it, it felt right. Like a magnet I sensed a pull towards him.

His eyes widen and his lips slightly parted. In two slow and cautious steps he was inches away from me. He's even more gorgeous up close and his scent is intoxicating.

His large hand came up to my face and I snapped out of whatever trance I was in before he could make contact.

What the hell was I thinking?

"Touch me and you'll lose all five fingers." I threatened backing away. I don't care that I disrespected him, alpha or not, he had no right in my personal space.

Caleb started laughing, yet again I forgot he was here.

How is this amusing?

He wiped a fake tear from his eyes joining the others when he sobered up.

"Well, I guess there's no point in being formal now." He smirked looking at the other guy. "This is Clyde and this is Campbell. Guys meet shordie."

"Shordie??" The three of us asked at the same time.

"Apparently, she's not going to tell me her name, that's why I gave her one." He chuckled.

"So why did you choose shordie?" I glared at him.

"Have you seen yourself?You're no more that 5 ft tall." Clyde's deep voice stated.

"So, basically you're calling me short." The nerves these guys have.

"We're only stating facts, shordieeee." Caleb continued smirking and I held my glare on him.

"Stop calling me that." I commanded lowly but he only continue to laugh. Clyde has a small smile on his face and Campbell was only watching the interaction between us.


"So a five year old is in the process of shifting? That's not possible, there has to be another explanation for what's happening." Clyde said taking a sip from his glass of, what I assumed was Hennessy.

"Graciela said it's happening. She only talked about the osteogenesis nonsense because shordie is a human." Caleb explained.

"When is it happening?" Campbell's deep voice spoke for the first time, his voice is low and strong. I stared at him for a brief moment then looked away because he caught me. Throughout the entire conversation his eyes where always on me, though, he didn't make me uncomfortable, I wanted him to stop.

"We don't know as yet. My guess is tha-" Caleb was cut off by the sound of the door opening and clicking of heels echoes through the room as a new presence approached us.

"Hey guys, am I interrupting something?"

"No, its ok. Are you feeling better babe?" Clyde asked the female. It's obvious that this chick has an effect on him because he's now beaming like a child.

"I told you it was just a headache." She laughed hugging him.

The scar on her right arm is the first thing I notice, I'll recognize those claw marks anywhere. Her hair is still blonde, now passed her hips.

"Lavinia." Caleb greeted and my eyes widens at the mention of her name. "You should meet shordie." Caleb nodded in my direction.

Please let this be one of my nightmares.

Lavinia unwrapped her arms from Clyde and turned to me. The prefect smile slowly disappeared from her face and her brown eyes widen. The room is dead silent as we both stare at each other. I recovered from my shock phase keeping a straight face.

"Lavinia, what's wrong?" Clyde questioned taking her hand in his.

Lavinia doesn't budge, her eyes still on me.

"You know staring is rude." I deadpanned.

"Aurelia?" She asked still surprized to see me.

"Don't. Ever. Call. Me. That. Again." I warned standing from the chair ready to leave this place. I walked away from the group and towards the door.

"I thought you were dead." Lavinia said to my retrieving form. What's with these people and ending a conversation?

"I thought I killed you." I  said exiting the room before closing the door I heard a growl.

I love dramatic exits.

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